Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Outfit: Pop of P I N K

My two favorite colors are black and pink. I love pink for decor stuff and black for, well everything in fact. Pink is such a bright color and it's perfect for rainy days when you want to cheer up a bit. This outfit that I'm showing you today I was wearing to the concert of Gal Gjurin and his band (he's a Slovenian singer). Currently my hometown is hosting a music festival named Arsana. In the past week or so there were a lot of concerts and fun events that you could attend to and will be able to attend till this friday (I think). :)

Degrees here in Slovenia are not even close to those that should be in the summertime. Outside it's raining non stop for the past 4 days, so I can't even wear my summer clothes. That's the reason why I wore my fave leather pants today. Hope to have my summer weather back asap! :)

Today I didn't want straight hair, but I also didn't want big curls... so I just made a braid and disband it - and viola. 
It's funny that my hair are all natural and they look like I have ombre hairstyle. I have never used a hair color in my life and I don't even intend to until it won't be necessary. I guess I'm a lucky girl when it comes to my hair. :)

*wearing: pants: Terranova, shoes: Ann Christine, blazer: H&M, tee and belt/purse: online

Oh and remember - you always have to keep moving forward, no matter how hard the situation is! :)

Big pink kisses to you all.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Outfit: Fields Of Gold

Zakaj nas je strah narediti stvari, ki si jih želimo? Če nekoga pogrešamo, zakaj mu tega ne povemo takoj? Če se z nečim ne strinjamo, zakaj se poskušamo zadržati svojega mnenja? Če si želimo nekoga videti, zakaj ga enostavno ne povabimo na kavo? Zakaj dejansko čakamo na pravi trenutek, ko pa pravi trenutek sploh ne obstaja?! Danes si, jutri te ni več. Zato živimo življenje, ki si ga želimo in povejmo vse kar si želimo na glas. Verjetno je to vse lažje izrečti kot narediti, pa vendar - omejitve si delamo samo mi sami, ko je naš strah večji od naših želja.

Why are we scared to do something we want? If we miss someone, why we don't tell this right away? If we don't agree with something, why are we holding back from telling how we think? If we want to see someone, why don't we just invite them somewhere? Why are we waiting for the perfect moment, when the perfect moment doesn't even exist?! Today you are, tomorrow you may not be anymore. That's why we have to live life we want and we need to speak out loud and fight for the things we want. I know it's easier said than done, but still- there are no obsticles for your dreams and wishes.

Jaz sem si zelo želela novih slik na balah (očitno imam v krvi malo vaškega dekleta, haha) in zato sem to tudi naredila. S sestro sma se vozile okrog in ko sva na njivi zagledale polno njivo bal sma se odločile, da se ustavima in naredima nekaj slikic. Verjetno so naju ljudje, ki so se vozili mimo gledali čudno, ampak nama ni bilo mar. Ljudje bodo tako ali tako imeli vedno nekaj za povedati. ;)

I really wanted some new pictures on the bales (I guess I have a bit of a country girl in my blood, haha) and that's why I took some pictures on them. Me and my sister were driving around and we saw a field full of bales. We decided to stop and take some pictures. People that were driving past that field must have thought that we are crazy, but we didn't care. People will always have something to talk about if they want to. ;)

What can I say about my outfit? I was wearing minimum clothes I could, because we have a heat wave here in Slovenia and outside is like 35 degrees. Super hot. So a crop top and high waisted shorts were a must. Oh, and I really like blue color this summer! :)

Kaj naj rečem glede mojega outfita? Temperature zunaj so okrog 35 stopinj, ker je Slovenijo zajel vročinski val. Drugega kot crop top, hlače z visokim pasom in gladiatorke mi ni preostalo oblečti. Aja, pa to poletje obožujem modro barvo! :)

wearing: Terranova crop top, New Yorker shorts, Limi bag, H&M sunnies
