Friday, September 18, 2015

Outfit post: Autumn leaves

Hot chocolate. Fuzzy socks. Autumn leaves. Changing colors. Bare trees. Halloween. Bonfires. Chestnuts. Boots. Tea. Sweater weather. Hoodies. Wine red color. Darker lipsticks. Late nights in cozy bed. Oh, autumn is so great. But I wonder... how can autumn be so beautiful and all glowing when the nature around us is literally slowly dying? And then after a couple of months when the nature is dead comes spring and encourages it to try again... Well, I guess human life is the same. If you fall you always get back on your feet and try again no matter what. (:

This one is my first autumn outfit. I really love my new boots and my all time favorite shirt. I still love tartan print. Well, I also love high waisted pants and gold details. I should say that I really love this outfit. What about you? :)

 *wearing: H&M boots, shirt and tee ; New Yorker pants, Limi bag, handmade earrings, eBay necklace

I added this picture, because I can be very shy in front of the camera and because I really like this kind of hair style lately. (: 
P.S.: My hair is all natural. I have never dyed it or anything. In real life my hair is much lighter than on the pictures sometimes. I guess it depends of the lightning. :)


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Outfit post: Blue Red White

SLO: September je tukaj, poletje pa še očitno ni reklo zadnje besede, yaay! Sončni žarki so še vedno močni in prijetno božajo kožo, mrzla limonada še vedno prijetno steče po grlu, nogice še vedno stopicajo bose po travi... ni boljšega! :) 

ENG: September is here, but summer yet apparently didn't say its last word, yaay! Sun rays are still strong and pleasantly caressing my skin, cold lemonade still pleasantly goes down my throat, my bare feet are still happy walking on the soft grass... there ain't nothing better! :)

SLO: Očitno bi še k svoji zadnji objavi (Summer recap) morala dodati ta poletni outfit. Modra barva je več kot očitno bila moja barva letošnjega poletja. Nevem kdaj sem nazadnje oblekla toliko modrih stvari... no, tudi spomnim se ne kdaj sem nazadnje oblekla to oblekco... in sem vesela, da sem jo še v zadnjih dneh poletja privlekla na plano. :)
Modra, rdeča, bela so barve tega outfita. 

ENG: I guess I should add this outfit to my Summer recap post that I posted a while ago. Blue color was the color of my summer. I don't know when was the last time that I wore so much blue... well, I also don't remember when I wore this dress... I'm happy that I dragged it out of my closet for the last days of summer.
Blue, red and white are the colors of this outfit.

*wearing: H&M dress with belt and shoes, Deichamnn bag and sunnies from the seaside

Jutri baje lovimo še zadnje sončne žarke...

Apparently we are cathing one of the last summer rays tomorrow... 
