Pozdravljeni! :)
Današnja objava bo potekala o dveh izdelkih iz kolekcije Fruity Cranberry, in sicer o gelu za tuširanje in pa o losjonu za telo.
Kot že samo ime Baleine kolekcije pove sta oba produkta z zelo sladkim vonjem brusnice.
Hello! :)
Today I will talk about two pampering products from Fruity Cranberry collection. The talk will be about shower gel and body lotion from Balea with very sweet cranberry scent.
Ta dva izdelka sta pravzaprav pakirana v setu in mislim, da ju ni mogoče kupiti posamezno. Cena seta stane 3,99 € in ga lahko kupite v Dm drogerijah.
These two products are packed together in a set and I think that you can't buy them separate. Price for this set is 3,99 € and it's available in Dm drugstores.
Kot lahko vidite na slikah je celoten set zelo ljubek in res pritegne. Sprava sem želela kupiti set samo zato, ker res lepo izgleda, hihi. Menim, da je to eden izmed lepših setov, ki jih je ustvarila Balea. Zelo mi je všeč kombinacija roza in brusnične barve in poslikave brusnic na obeh izdelkih, prav tako pa se tudi škatla v kateri sta izdelka pakirana ujema. :) V setu dobite 400 ml izdelkov.
As you can see on the pictures this is a very cute set. First I wanted to buy it just because it looks so cute, hihi. I really think that this is one of the prettiest Balea sets. I really like the combination of pink and cranberry color, cranberry drawing and as well I like the box that's matching with both products. In this set you get 400 ml of products.
Gel za tuširanje / Shower gel:
Gel za tuširanje je velik 200 ml. Kot sem že omenila je vonj zelo sladek in meni osebno prijeten. Če niste za preveč sladke vonje potem vam tega izdelka ne priporočam. :)
Kar se tiče obstojnosti izdelka imam z vsemi Balea izdelki podobno izkušnjo - takoj, ko stopim izpod tuša se na žalost izdelek ne vonja več na moji koži. Škoda. Drugače je moja koža po uporabi mehka in prijetna na otip, izdelek moje kože dodatno tudi ne izsuši.
Izdelek je dermatološko testiran in naj ne bi povzročal alergij.
Ocena: 6/10
Shower gel contains 400 ml. As I already mentioned this shower gel has very sweet scent that I personally like. If you don't like sweet scents then this shower gel isn't suitable for you. :)
What I can tell you about it's lasting? Well, with all Balea shower gels I have the same experience - after I walk out of the shower I can't smell it anymore. It's no difference with this one and it really is a shame. Otherwise this product makes my skin soft and it doesn't dry it. Product is also dermatologically tested and it shouldn't cause you any allergies.
My rating: 6/10
Losjon za telo / Body lotion:
Tudi tega izdelka dobite 200 ml. Izdelek ima enak vonj kot gel za tuširanje in je res sladek in diši čisto po brusnicah. Izdelek ima malo vodno teksturo, zato izdelek malo teče in nima čisto kremaste teksture, vendar to ne vpliva na vlaženje kože. Meni osebno je losjon za telo zelo zelo všeč. Mojo kožo navlaži v trenutku in tudi vonj na koži ostane kar nekaj časa. Tudi ta izdelek je dermatološko testiran in naj ne bi povzročal alergij.
Ocena: 9/10
This product also contains 200 ml and it has the same scent as shower gel - very sweet and it smells like cranberry. It has a very watery texture and it's not really creamy, but that doesn't affect the moisturizing. I really like this lotion. My skin is moisturized in a minute and on my skin I can smell cranberries for a while as well. This product is also dermatologically tested and it shouldn't cause you any allergies.
My rating: 9/10
Moje splošno mnenje:
Set je za svojo ceno popolnoma zadovoljiv in prijetnega vonja, še posebaj všeč mi je losjon za telo. Zaradi pakiranja in res ugodne cene menim, da je odlično božično darilo. :)
My general opinion:
This set is for it's price great and it smells great. I also really like body lotion. Because of the packing and really low price I think it could be a great Christmas gift. :)
Hvala za pozornost. / Thank you for reading.