Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Candy prisoner

Hello darlings!

This weather is so weird. Last few days were a mixture of cold and hot, but today is finally hot again.
When I woke up today I saw sun shining through the blinds and on my skin I felt warm and pleasant wind that came over the window. It was the best feeling on the world. Because of this lovely morning I decided that today it's time for some pink, so  I decided to wear this pink striped skirt for the first time. It's so girly and fluffy and pink, and I love it!

What do you think about my "candy prisoner" skirt?

* Wearing:
skirt- Oviesse, tee- Tally Wejil, shoes: H&M, bag- Orsay, Ring: Drobcene stvari Katie

Stay tuned.


  1. Pretty pretty skirt!


  2. it's a pleasure! Following you on GFC, hope you want to come back! Have a nice night... Keep in touch!

  3. love it :)

    xx Michelle



Thanks for stopping by beauty! With your comment you made me very happy! <3

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