Saturday, May 30, 2015

Perfume review: Vera Wang - Princess

This perfume is everything! I wanted it for such a long time, but couldn't find it anywhere. A few days ago I was browsing some random online shops from Slovenia and I found it. I ordered it withing 5 seconds although I didn't even know how it smells, hihi.

Ta parfum je vse! Že dolgo sem si ga želela, vendar ga ne prodajajo v nobeni drogeriji pri nas... Pred nekaj dnevi sem brskala po internetu in našla super stran Last Minute Izdelki. Ko sem brskala po njihovi ponudbi se je naenkrat pojavil pred menoj moj popoln parfum. Naročila sem ga v 5 sekundah, čeprav nisem vedela niti kako dejansko diši. 
Ponudbo izdelkov lahko najdete tudi na tej povezavi

This fragrance is oriental- floral and it's perfect for spring/summer, because it's a bit sweet. Top notes of this perfume are water lily, apple, mandarin and apricot. The heart is composed of guava, Tiare flower, tuberose, with a touch of dark chocolate. The base of this fragrance leaves traces of vanilla, amber and wood.

Dišava je orientalsko- cvetlična in je popolna za pomlad/poletje. Top note parfuma so: vodna lilija, jabolko, mandarina in marelice; srce dišave je sestavljeno iz guave, rože Tiare, tuberoze in temne čokolade; osnovne sestavine parfuma pa so vanilija, jantar in les.

All the ingredients of this perfume are sweet, but the scent of this perfume is not childish at all. 

Če povzamemo vse sestavine te dišave ugotovimo, da je zelo sladka. Kjub vsej njeni sladkosti pa vonj ni nič otročji.

Because of the different pH of our skin it's very hard to know how long or exactly how we will smell after we use some perfume. On my skin at first I smell apricots, then guava and chocolate and after a few hours vanilla comes to the fore.I think that this fragrance is very feminine and revives youth.

Vsak človek ima drugačen pH kože, zato je težko vedeti kako dolgo in kako bo dejansko določena dišava dišala na naši koži. Na moji koži prvo zavoham marelice, potem guavo in sledi temne čokolade, čez nekaj ur pa pride v ospredje vanilija.Menim, da je ta dišava zelo ženstvena in poživlja mladost.

On my skin it stays for all day. First time that I was using this perfume I only put it on my wrists. I was pleasantly surprised that I smelled this scent even from the distance. After a few hours the scent is not so intense anymore and it really blends with your skin. :)

Na moji koži dišavo ostane ves dan. Ko sem prvič uporabila ta parfum sem ga nanesla samo na zapestje. Zelo sem bila presenečena, da sem par ur vonj vonjala tudi iz razdalje. Po nekaj urah vonj več ni tako zelo intenziven in se lepo zlije s kožo. 

When I first saw the bottle of this perfume I was amazed. It's shaped like an expensive jewel in lilac tone. It also has the cutest name. 
The fragrance comes as Eau de Toilete in 30 ml, 50 ml or 100 ml bottle. 
Price for 50 ml is around 60€.

Ko sem prvič videla ta parfum sem bila navdušena. Steklenička je oblikovana kot drag diamant v svetlo vijoličnem odtenku. Tudi ime parfuma je preveč srčkano.
Dišava je na voljo kot Eau de Toilete v 30 ml, 50 ml ali 100 ml steklenički.

Princess sends you kisses,

1 comment:

  1. Steklenička je zelo lepa, parfum pa hvalijo tudi drugi :) xx Maja


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