Pa je spet prišel čas za objavo iz sveta lepotnih novičk. Essence je spet naredil odlično delo in poskrbel, da bo moja denarnica občutno tanjša v prihajajočih dveh mesech. Že v začetku objave pa naj povem, da želim čisto vse izdelke iz obeh kolekcij, uuuups! <3
Na trg bosta postavljeni dve kolekciji: Girls just wanna have fun in pa Me & my umbrella. Prva je zelo punčkasta in roza, druga pa kliče po jeseni in po temnejših odtenkih.
It's time for some make up talk. Essence again did a great job and made sure that my wallet will suffer in the next two months. Thanks, haha. At the beginning of this post I need to tell you that I'm totally hooked about their next two trend collections and I want all of the products from them both, yikes!
Girls just wanna have fun is a very girly and pink collection, Me & my umbrella is the total opposite of the previous one. It calls for autumn and dark shades.
** Girls just wanna have fun **
Kolekcija bo na voljo od sredine Septembra in do konca Oktobra 2016. Izdelki bodo na voljo v svetlo roza, vijoličnih in rjavih tonih. Punčkasto! :)
This collection will be available from the middle of September till the end of October.
1. Osvetljevalec / Highlighter
01 lady's night
3,59 €
Ljubezen na prvi pogled. Hočem, rabim!
Love on the first sight. Must have, I neeed!
2. Večbarvno rdečilo za lička / Multicolor blush
01 who run the world? girls!
3,59 €
Čudovita embalaža. Rabim, spet!
Gorgeous packing. I need it, again!
3. Senčilo za oči v paleti / Eyeshadow palette
01 just me and my girls
2,99 €
4. Šminke / Creamy lipsticks
01 pretty girls rocks!, 02 barbie girl, 03 we are young!
2,79 €
#Barbiemood je vse kaj lahko rečem. <3
#Barbiemood is all I can say, haha.
5. Piling za ustnice / Lip scrub
01 barbie girl
3,29 €
Zanimivo, piling za ustnice v obliki šminke.
Interesting. Lip scrub that looks like lipstick.
6. Duo-laki za nohte / Duo-nail polishes
01 just me and my girls, 02 who run the world? girls!, 03 we're happy together
2,19 €
7. Kozmetična torbica / Cosmetic bag
01 all we wanna do is have some fun
3,29 €
8. 2v1 pilica na nohte / 2in1 nail file
01 girls only!
1,99 €
9. Nalepke za nohte / Nail stickers
01 diamonds are girls best friends
1,39 €
Celotna kolekcija je res čudovita. Izmed vseh izdelkov si najbolj želim osvetljevalca, edina stvar ki pa me ne mika preveč so pa laki na nohte. Ostali izdelki celotne kolekcije pa se bodo najverjetneje znašli v moji nakupovalni košarici. <3
I love this collection, it's gorgeous. Product that I want the most is highlighter and the only thing I'm not too excited about are nail polishes. Other products from this collection are absolutely gorgeous and they will probably all end up in my shopping bag.
** Me & my umbrella **
Kolekcija bo na voljo v Septembru in Oktobru 2016. Z Essence prihaja jesen in čas za dežnike. Kljub temu, da nisem ravno ljubitelj dežnikov mi je ta kolekcija zelo srčkana in vsebuje čudovite barve. Čas za temnejše ustnice, yaaas! :D
This collection will be available in September and October 2016. With Essence it's time for umbrellas and dark lips, yaas!
1. Rdečilo za lica / Blush
01 you can stand under my umbrella
3,59 €
Najbolj cute pakiranje. Zaljubljena sem. <3
The cutest packing ever. I'm in love.
2. Mat senčilo za oči / Matt eyeshadow
01 be your own rainbow, 02 take me to the clouds
2,19 €
Če ima mat finiš v kombinaciji z lepim pakiranjem je že moje, ups.
If it has matt finish in combination with cute packing it's already mine, ups.
3. Senčilo za obrvi / Eyebrow thickener
01 brighter than sunshine, 02 walking on the rainbow
2,79 €
4. Mat šminka / Matt lipstick
01 crazy autumn love, 02 i <3 rainy days
2,49 €
Upam, da bo vijoličen odtenek res tako temno vijoličen. Seveda pa kot prava odvisnica od šmink želim obe.
I hope that the violet one will be very dark violet shaded. But of course like a real lipstick addict I want them both.
5. Mini konturing set / Mini contouring set
01 let your smile be your umbrella on a rainy day
3,29 €
Sicer nisem pristašica konturinga, pa vendar set izgleda zelo srčkano.
I'm not really a fan of contouring, but this set looks very cute.
6. Konturing čopič / Contouring brush
01 I like people who smile when it's raining
3,29 €
7. Nalepke za nohte / Nail stencils
01 happiness is... sharing my umbrella with you
1,39 €
Omg, kjuuuuuut!
Omg, so cute!
8. Lak za nohte rain boots / Nail polish with rain boots finish
01 crazy autumn love, 02 i <3 rainy, 03 take me to the clouds, 04 I have my pocket full of sunshine
2,19 €
Rain boots učinek - srednje mat gumijasti zaključek se sliši tako čudno in zanimivo. Me res zanima končni izgled laka na nohtih.
Rain boots nail polish sounds so strange. It's a nail polish with matt gummy finish. I'm very curious how this looks on nails.
Res prekrasna kolekcija. Izmed vseh izdelkov si najbolj želim dva: rdečilo za lica in temno vijolično šminko. Najmanj sem navdušena nad setom za konturing in čopičem, vendar bom verjetno tudi to na koncu želela kupiti. Komaj čakam na to kolekcijo, res! :)
I love this collection. I really want this cute blush and dark violet lipstick. I'm the least excited about contouring set and brush, but probably I will want them both anyway. :P
Vse kar lahko rečem je: Essence sedi, odlično 15!
All I can say is: Essence sit down, great job 15!
Kako se pa tebi zdita ti dve kolekciji? :)
What about you, what do you think about these two upcoming collections? :)
Poljubčki / kisses,
Jaz imam najrajši take objave. :) nekaj izdelkov iz prve kolekcije pa bom definitivno kupila.
ReplyDeleteLepo bodi,
Mini contouring set, bi že jst nesla domov, ker je tak kjuuut:)