Hello loves! :)
Today is again time for some make up talk. Currently I'm using 5 products from Essence very often and I think they are really amazing for its price. Most of the products that I'm using have new bottles - which I really like; and there is also one product that you will be able to buy from Autumn 2016. I'm talking about lipstick that you can see on the picture above and I can tell you right away that I think it's AMAZING! :)
Pozdravček! :)
Danes je zopet čas za govor o ličilih. Trenutno uporabljam 5 izdelkov znamke Essence zelo pogosto in menim, da so za svojo dostopno ceno vredni nakupa. Večina izdelkov, ki jih uporabljam ima nove embalaže- ki so mi je zelo všeč; med izdelki je pa tudi en izdelek, ki bo del redne kolekcije v letošnji jeseni. Govorim o šminki, ki jo lahko vidite na sliki zgoraj. Že zdaj lahko namignem, da je vredna nakupa! :)
1. 2in1 eyeshadow & liner waterproof
02 peach perfect
This product can be used as an eyeshadow or a liner. It has a very smooth texture and it makes your eyes pop if you add it into the inner corners of your eyes. I often use it as a liner. It's also waterproof and when I swatched it I had to use tonic to get it off my hand. It's also very practical because of its packing and because of the shape it's easy to apply and to carry around.
I also have it in 01 go bro'nze. You can buy it for around 3€. :)
Ta izdelek lahko uporabimo kot senčilo za veke ali kot črtalo. Izdelek ima zelo mazljivo teksturo in če ga nanesemo v notranji kotiček očesa nam tega res lepo poudari. Sama ga pogosto uporabljam kot črtalo. Izdelek je tudi vodoodporen in, ko sem ga swatchala sem morala uporabiti tonik za obraz, da sem ga dobila iz roke. Prav tako je izdelek zelo praktičen zaradi svoje embalaže, saj ga z lahkoto pospravimo v torbico in prenašamo naokoli, prav tako pa je tudi za nanašanje enostaven - zaradi oblike konice.
Izdelek imam tudi v odtenku 01 go bro'nze.
Izdelek stane okrog 3 €. :)
2. Stay all day 16h long-lasting concealer
10 natural beige
This concealer is really good. I use it mostly around my eyes, but not to cover any pimples. I love how it applies and that after wearing it all day it doesn't become greasy. For a price around 3 € it really is amazing. :)
Ta korektor je zelo dober. Večinoma ga uporabljam okrog oči, ne uporabljam pa ga za prekrivanje kakšnih nepravilnosti. Zelo mi je všeč kako se nanaša in, da tudi po celodnevnem nošenju ostane takšen kot je bil na začetku. Prav tako se ne nabira v gubice ali kaj podobnega. Za ceno okorg 3 € je izdelek res super. :)
3. Rock'n'doll volume & eye-opening mascara
It really is one of the best mascaras that I have ever tried and it costs only 3 €. Not even Dior one makes my lashes so long and pretty. This mascara doesn't make your lashes glued together nor sticky. It has a curved brush and because of that you can easily apply it on your lashes. You are also able to buy one with a normal brush.
Rock'n'doll maskara je ena izmed najboljših maskar, ki sem jih kdaj poskusila. Po mojem mnenju prekosi tudi Diorjevo, saj naredi moje trepalnice res zelo dolge. Trepalnic maskara ne zlepi, ampak resnično poudari njihov volumen. Cena maskare je samo 3 €. Maskara ima ukrivljeno krtačko, zato je nanos maskare res enostaven. Če niste ljubiteljice ukrivljenih krtačk je na voljo tudi maskara iz Rock'n'doll kolekcije, ki ima normalno krtačko.
4. Stay all day 16 h long-lasting make-up
20 soft nude
Soft texture and high coverage for only 5 €. Stay all day 16 h powder it really stays on your skin for the whole day. I have an oily skin, so if I don't use a good foundation my face looks cakey after a few hours. With this one I don't have any problems. My face is maybe a bit oily after a whole day of wearing it, but for this price I think that's totally alright. You can also choose between a great variety of shades. It also doesn't feel heavy on your skin. :)
Mehka in tekoča tekstura z visoko prekrivnostjo za samo 5 €. To je Stay all day 16 h tekoča podlaga, ki na našem obrazu zares ostane ves dan. Moja koža je mastna in v primeru, da ne uporabim dobre tekoče podlage lahko moj obraz hitro izgleda cakey. S tem pudrom nimam teh težav, je pa moja koža po res celem dnevu nošenja malo oljnata - ampak to hitro popravim s pudrom v prahu. Izdelek lahko izberete v kar nekaj razlučnih odtenkih, na koži pa ne deluje težko. :)
5. MATT MATT MATT lipstick
08 it's a statement
High five Essence for this MATT MATT MATT collection. I just can't believe how amazing this lipstick is. I love the color - it's very dark brown with red undertone; very unique color. This lipstick is SO long-lasting. I could easily compare it to the Bourjouis Velvet Mattes. Lipstick doesn't dry my lips and it doesn't feel thick on them. Also the packaging is very cute, because the cap is the same color as the lipstick inside it. I also got one other shade for this collection and now I'm waiting for other 6 shades to launch. Price of this one is around 3 €. :) Sometimes the best things aren't expensive!
High five Essence za MATT MATT MATT kolekcijo šmink. Preprosto ne morem verjeti kako čudovita je ta šminka. Obožujem barvo - temno rjava s podtonom rdeče, ki je popolna za jesenski čas. Takšnega odtenka še res nisem zasledila nikjer. Šminka je zelo dolgo obstojna in z zelo dolgo obstojnim mislim, da se lahko primerja z Bourjouis Velvet Mattes. Šminka mojih ustnic ne izsuši. Všeč mi je tudi embalaža šminke, saj je pokrovček enake barve kot odtenek šminke, ki se skriva pod njim. Trenutno čakam še na ostalih 6 odtenkov,ki pridejo na prodajne police zelo kmalu. Cena šminke je samo okrog 3 € - včasih najboljše stvari niso drage! :)
What about you - do you have any Essence favorites? :)
Kaj pa ti - imaš kakšen Essence favorit? :)
Kisses / poljubčki,
Essence is so good!
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of lip pencils from them and I have only good words to say!
Really essence products are good. I also used those products.