Sunday, March 12, 2017

Wine lip tints

🍷🍷🍷 Vino ne sprašuje neumnih vprašanj, vino razume in te po par kozarčkih spravlja v nelagodne situacije - haha. 🍷🍷🍷
 Jaz osebno imam vino zelo rada, posebaj rdečo. Če tudi ti obožuješ vino, potem beri naprej! 😇😍😆

🍷🍷🍷 Wine doesn't ask silly questions, wine understands. And it makes you do silly things, haha. 🍷🍷🍷
I love wine, especially red one. If you are also a wine lover then you need to keep on reading! 😇😊😆

Nekega večera sem brskala po internetu in seveda pristala na eBay spletni strani. Iz eBaya res ogromno naročujem in tudi to večer ni bilo nič drugače. Med mojim brskanjem sem zasledila neverjetne izdelke za vse ljubitelje vina - šminke oz. tinte za ustnice, ki imajo embalažo v obliki steklenice za vino. Rekla sem si seveda: "OMG, RABIM!" in takoj naročila 4 različne odtenke.

One night I was browsing the internet as usual and of course I ended up on Ebay web page. There I found those awesome lipsticks that are shaped like a wine bottle and I said to myself that I HAVE TO get them. So I ordered 4 different shades. 🙊🙈

Menila sem, da bodo šminke oz. tinte samo ljubko izgledale in bodo popolnoma neuporabne. No, tukaj sem se pa res zmotila. Takoj, ko sem odvila prvo vinsko stekleničko in jo "poswatchala" na roki sem bila presenečena nad pigmentacijo in tudi nad tem, da se je posušila v par sekundah. Potem pa je sledil šok. Tinte nisem spravila iz roke ne z milom, ne s čistilnim robčkom, še po odstranitvi z oljnim odstranjevalcem se je poznal odtis tinte na moji roki. Nanos šminke je zaradi aplikatorja enostaven in natančen. 

I didn't have high hopes about them when I received them, because I thought that they are too cheap to actually work. Well, I was very wrong and I realized that the first minute that I swatched them. I almost couldn't get swatches of my hands. I have tried to get them off with soap, cleansing wipes, but even with oily wipes it was a challenge to erase the stains out of my hands. I really love the applicator, it's very precise and easy to work with. 

Nič drugače kot na roki ni na ustnicah. Tam je kos vsej hrani in pijači.😋🍲🍷 
Tinte sem naročila v 4 različnih barvah: roza (Blush Pink), oranžno-rdeči (Rose Coral), temno rdeči (Shinraz Red) in vijolično-rdeči (Merlot Burgundy) barvi.
 Menim, da je izmed vseh najmanj obstojna roza, ki je rahlo neon in bo popolna za prihajajočo pomlad in poletje. Najbolj obstojna izmed vseh je pa definitivno temno rdeča. Ta mi je zdržala na ustnicah popolnoma celo noč, ko sem žurala. 🎉
Shinraz Red in Merlot Burgundy sta si na prvi pogled zelo podobna, vendar se razlikujeta v podtonih. 

Of course I also tried them on my lips as soon as I got them and they are indestructible. They survive every meal and drink. 🍲😋🍷
I got them in 4 different colors: pink (Blush Pink), orange-red (Rose Coral), dark red (Shinraz Red) and in violet-red (Merlot Burgundy).
I think that at least lasting is pink one, which will be perfect for spring and summer, because it's almost neon. The most long lasting one is definitely the dark red one. 💄💄💄💄
Shiraz Red and Merlot Burgundy look very alike at first, but when you apply them on your lips you can see that they have a totally different undertone. 

Moje pričakovanje glede izsušenosti ustnic je bilo veliko. Menila sem, da bodo po njihovi uporabi moje ustnice zelo izsušene, vendar temu ni tako. Tinte vsebujejo nekaj različnih olj,kar je tudi verjetno razlog za neizsušenost ustnic. Pred uporabo izdelkov sem preverila tudi čisto vse sestavine. Nobena izmed sestavin ni škodljiva ali toksična in je popolnoma varna za uporabo. 😊

I was also very pleasantly surprised that these lip tints are NOT drying my lips at all. They contain a few different oils, so that's why - I guess. Also I did a whole research about the ingredients that these lip tints contain and I discovered that they are safe to use and doesn't contain any toxic ingredients. 😊

Če želiš tudi ti svojo šminko v obliki vinske steklenice jo lahko najdeš: TUKAJ
No, jaz bom seveda še kupila ostala 2 odtenka, ki mi trenutno v zbirki manjkata. Ups! 😇

If you need a wine bottle shaped lipstick in your life you can find it: HERE.
Well, of course I also need other two shades that are currently missing in my collection. 🍷🍷🍷

Wine 💋,

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