Mastni lasje, časa za pranje pa ni? Ali se nam enostavno ne da? Zadnje čase imamo na srečo življenjske rešitelje za takšne situacije, ki jih imenujemo suhi šamponi. Sama imam tip las, ki se zelo hitro zmasti, zato po suhem šamponu običajno posežem vsak drug dan. Ravno zaradi tega mi je pomembno, da je suhi šampon kvaliteten in, da je 100% učinkovit. Na trgu se trenutno prodaja res veliko suhih šamponov, vendar sem izmed poplave znamk našla samo dva, ki mi odgovarjata. To sta Batiste in Colab.
Če te zanima kakšna je razlika med tema znamkama in katera mi je vseeno ljubša beri objavo naprej! 😻😎😊
Greasy hair and no time to wash them? Or you are just not in the mood to wash them? Lately we are really lucky that we are a part of great selling assortments that are offering us a variety of different products - including DRY SHAMPOOS. My hair gets greasy very fast and the second day after the washing they already look terrible, so a dry shampoo in my bathroom cupboard is a must. I want my dry shampoos to be 100 % efficient and quality. Currently there are a lot of dry shampoos on the market, but I found just two that satisfy my expectations. I'm talking about Batiste and Colab brands.
But these two brands are very different, so if you want to know more about them and which brand I still like better just keep on reading! 😻😎😊
Verjetno vsi poznamo suhe šampone znamke Batiste. Suhi šampon, ki ima neverjetno ljubke embalaže in prijetne vonje me je že na prvi pogled kupil. Embalaža s potiskom češenj 🍒 je moja najljubša, kot tudi njen vonj.
Embalaža izdelka je kovinska, pokrovček pa plastičen. V embalaži je 200 ml izdelka, ki pa je primeren za vse vrste las.
Batiste dry shampoos are one of the most recognized ones on the market. These dry shampoos bought me as soon as I saw their adorable packaging, it really is too adorable. I also like how they smell - especially 🍒 cherry scent. So yummy. Also the packing of "Cherry" Batiste is my favorite. I like that the bottle of the product is metal and it contains product very well. The cap of the product is plastic and white and it's the same on every Batiste. The packaging contains 200 ml of the product. The Cherry one is suitable for all hair types, but you can also find Batiste dry shampoo that it's suitable only for brown hair etc.
Sama uporaba BATISTE suhega šampona:
Sama suhi šampon uporabim preden grem nanašat make up tako, da se med tem časom ko nanašam ličila le-ta dobro vpije.
Pri Batiste suhem šamponu je pomembno, da izdelek pošpricate iz rahle razdalje, saj bo vaše lasišče v nasprotnem primeru zelo belo. Moji lasje so svetli, zato tudi če na lase nanesem preveč suhega šampona ni problema s tem, da bi na vrhu lasišča ostali beli madeži. Če pa se že zgodi, da je moje lasišče zelo belo je moj trik, da to belino odpravim takšen: lase najprej dobro obrišem z brisačo in potem lase razčesem v različne smeri še z glavnikom.
How to use BATISTE dry shampoo:
I like to spray my hair with dry shampoo before I paint my face with make up, so that the product can absorb in my hair very well. If you spray this product too close on the scalp of your hair they will look very white, so I always spray it from a little distance. This is a very important step if your hair is dark colored and a little less important if your hair is light colored as are mine. I also have a little trick if I spray my hair too close and they look a bit white: first I wipe my hair with a towel and then I brush it very well in different directions with a brush. And that's it.
Svežina las po uporabi BATISTE:
Moji lasje po uporabi izgledajo kot, da so bili ravnokar sveže oprani in zelo prijetno dišijo. Svežina las pri meni ponavadi traja še do naslednjega jutra. Suhi šampon deluje tudi, ko lasje izgledajo precej mastni. Sicer takrat lasje ne izgledajo čisto sveže oprani, izgledajo pa dovolj dobro, da lahko zapustim hišo.
Freshness of the hair after BATISTE usage:
After the usage of Batiste dry shampoo my hair instantly looks like I washed them 5 minutes ago and they even smell nice. My hair usually stays fresh till the next morning. I love that this shampoo works even if your hair is very greasy. Then of course they don't look totally freshly washed, but they look good enough so you can leave the house in peace.
Cena izdelka se pri nas giblje okrog 5 €, ko pa je izdelek znižan pa je okrog 2,5 do 3 €.
(Ravno sedaj je bila akcija v Müllerju, da so bili vsi vonji Batiste znižani na 2,5 €.)
Price of BATISTE:
In my country (Slovenia) price of this product is around 5 €, but there are occasionally some discounts and they cost around 2,5 €.
~ Točkovanje ~
Izgled: 10/10
Uporaba: 8/10
Svežina: 10/10
Cena glede na kvaliteto: nizka
~ Points ~
Packaging: 10/10
Usage: 8/10
Freshness: 10/10
Price according to the quality: low
COLAB Dry Shampoo - Fresh, Tropical, Paradise
Za znamko Colab sem prvič slišala, ko je moja sestra iz Avstrijskega Muellerja prinesla suhi šampon "Paradise - kupila ga je samo zaradi tega, ker ima potisk flamingotov, ki jih jaz obožujem. Embalaža izdelka je precej podobna Batistovi - ljubek izgled izdelka; tudi izdelka v embalaži je 200 ml. Vsak Colab ima tudi drugačen vonj, enako kot Batiste. Izmed vseh 3 Colab suhih šamponov mi je najbolj všeč vonj "Paradise", pa tudi vonj "Tropical" ni slab - je takšen res poleten. Kar se pa tiče vonja "Fresh" pa le-tega res ne maram in me spominja na vonj osvežilcev zraka.
I haven't heard for COLAB brand until my sister bought it in Austrian Mueller. She bought dry shampoo with a name "Paradise" that has flamingos all over the bottle. I love flamingos, so I didn't even care if it will work, haha. If I compare bottle to the Batiste ones it's very similar, maybe just a little thiner, but it also has the cutest prints on the bottle and it also contains 200 ml of the product. Also every Colab has different scent. From these 3 I like the most "Paradise" one and I also like "Tropical" one - it's very summery scent, but I really hate "Fresh" scent. I can't describe it, but for me it really stinks and reminds me of air fresheners.
Sama uporaba COLAB:
Posebnost teh suhih šamponov je, da so brezbarvni. Tudi te suhe šampone na lase nanesem pred nanašanjem make upa, da se dobro vpijejo v lase. Suhi šampon je potrebno pošpricati iz razdalje, saj drugače lase ob špricu zmoči in ne bo nikakor mogel narediti svojega dela, lasje pa bodo izgledali zlepljeni.
How to use COLAB dry shampoo:
These dry shampoos have one specialty - they are transparent. I use them the same as I use Batiste ones - I spray my hair before I put on make up, so dry shampoo can really absorb in my hair and do its work nicely. Colab dry shampoos can't get your hair white, but they can get your hair sticky if product is sprayed too close. So take caution and spray your hair from a distance.
Svežina las po uporabi COLAB:
Če so moji lasje malo manj mastni po uporabi Colaba izgledajo kot, da so bili ravnokar oprani in sveži. Druga pesem je, ko moji lasje izgledajo precej mastni - takrat izdelek ne naredi tako velikega učinka. V tem primeru lasje ne izgledajo čisto sveže oprani, vendar še zmeraj naredi boljše delo kot ostali suhi šamponi, ki sem jih preizkusila (npr: Balea, Syoss).
Freshness of the hair after COLAB use:
If my hair is just a bit greasy then Colab really does the work. But it's totally different when my hair is very greasy. In that scenario my hair still looks a bit greasy, but it looks better and less greasy than before - I think it still does a better work than other dry shampoos that I have already try and didn't like.
Cena izdelka se giblje med 6 do 8 €. Občasno je tudi znižan na 4 do 5 €, kupite pa ga lahko tudi v slovenskih Muellerjih.
Price of COLAB dry shampoos:
Price of this one is a bit higher than Batiste - it's from 6 to 8 €.
~ Točkovanje ~
Izgled: 10/10
Uporaba: 9/10
Svežina: 7/10
Cena glede na kvaliteto: srednja
~ Points ~
Packaging: 10/10
Usage: 9/10
Freshness: 7/10
Price according to the quality: middle
Razsodba / Verdict:
Če primerjam oba izdelka potem ugotovim, da je Batiste vseeno bolj učinkovit in cenovno ugodnejši. Batiste je tisti izdelek, ki ga bom še naprej redno uporabljala in ga res izjemno priporočam - je pa zanj pomembna pravilna uporaba.
If I compare both of the products then I have to admit that Batiste is still a bit more effective and a bit more affordable. Batiste is really my holy grail product and I really recommend it to you - but you need to be caution with the usage.
Colab suhi šamponi pa so zaradi svoje brezbarvnosti res uporabni in primerni tudi za temnejše tipe las, saj ne bodo pustili nikakšne beline.
Colab dry shampoos are really useful because of their transparency and are very suitable for people that have darker hair color.
BATISTE: 10/10
COLAB: 8/10
Če te zanima kakšni suhi šamponi so še na tržišču in kako so kaj učinkoviti pa priporočam, da preveriš spletno stran:
Tukaj so zbrane ocene vseh suhih šamponov in pa njihova primerjava. Tudi na tej lestvici se znajde Batiste suhi šampon in to celo med TOP 3.
If you are looking for a perfect dry shampoo and you don't know which one to buy you can check out this webpage: .
Here you can find reviews and comparisons of different dry shampoos. On this chart you can also find Batiste dry shampoo and it is ranked in top 3 dry shampoos.
Hvala Batiste in Colab za moj vedno svež videz las in da lajšate življenje.
Thank you Batiste and Colab for making my life easier. 💗💓💗
Poljubčki / kisses,
Batiste suhi šamponi so tudi moja stalnica, Colabovih pa še nisem preizkusila. Niti pomisliti ne upam, kako bi brez suhih šamponov uspela v urnik vsake dva dni vriniti še tisto uro za pranje las, haha. Me je pa prijetno presenetil še Avonov suhi šampon, ki se prav tako obnese super tudi na zelo mastnih laseh. Priporočam! <3
ReplyDeleteSe strinjam , so res lajf sejverji. :D Avonovega sem pa imela pa mi je puščal zelo bele madeže, ne glede na to kako na daleč sem ga nanesla. Je pa bil učinkovit, to je pa res. :)