Friday, May 30, 2014

#countryside, #podeželje

Well, sometimes you just need to be a country girl. Huge fields and lawns, houses on the hills on every 400 m, farm animals... that's how my day looked like a few days ago when I went on a visit to my nephews relatives with my nephew, my sister and my mommy. There I have gathered some beautiful flowers for a bouquet, picked up some strawberries, took some pictures on bales of straw (my long-time wish) and chased my nephew over the fields and lawns. It was really a great sunny day and I have to admit- I really did enjoy on the countryside. <3

No, včasih moraš enostavno biti podeželsko dekle. Velika polja in travnate površine, hiše na hribčkih na vsakih 400 m, domače živali... tako je izgledal moj dan pred nekaj dnevi, ko sem se z mojim nečakom, sestro in mamo odpravila na obisk na pravo podeželje. Tam sem nabrala nekaj rožic za šopek, pobrala nekaj domačih jagod, se fotografirala na balah slame (in uresničila svojo dolgoletno željo) in se podila po poljih in travnikih z mojim nečakom. Moram priznati, da sem res uživala. <3

Well I'm not sure if my outfit was really suitable for the countryside although it was comfortable. I really like this dress with a balloon skirt and a bow on the back. :)

No, nisem ravno prepričana, če je bil moj outfit primeren za podenje čez polja in travnike, čeprav je bil res udoben. Ta obleka z balonastim krilom in mašnico zadaj mi je res pri srcu. :)

*wearing: dress/obleka:Terranova, shoes&sunnies/ čevlji&očala: H&M

* Chasing with my nephew. He is my golden boy <3.
*Moj zlati nečak <3.

Do you have any county girl in you? 
Ali imaš v sebi kaj podeželskega dekleta?

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

#Recipe: homemade strawberry ice cream lollies, #recept: doma narejen jagodni sladoled

Sonček in vročina sta tukaj in ob teh vročih dnevih se nam kar začnejo cediti sline, ko pomislimo na mrzel sladoled (no, vsaj meni). Če nam ga slučajno zmanjka v zmrzovalniku in se nam ne ljubi sprehoditi do trgovine, ker je zunaj preveč vroče ali zato, ker smo enostavno leni si ga lahko preprosto naredimo doma. Domače je najboljše, pa še bolj zdravo je. Moja mami je iznašla recept za res odlične nizko kalorične sladoledne lučke, za katerega potrebujemo samo modelčke za sladoledne lučke in nekaj sestavin.

Sun and heat are finally here, and we all sometimes crave for some ice cream in days like this. If it happens that we run out of it in the freezer and we don't have any energy to go to the shop, because it's too hot outside, or simply because we are just too lazy to leave our house we can make some ice cream at home. Homemade is the best and healthy. My mommy has made a recipe for really great ice cream lollies, for which we only need molds for ice cream lollies and a few other ingredients. 

Sestavine za pripravo 4 jagodnih lučk: / Ingredients for preparation 4 ice cream lollies:
* 2 jogurta v lončku (lahko tekoča ali čvrsta) / * 2 yoghurts in a cup (can be liquid or gist)
* 250 g jagod / 250 g strawberries
* par kapljic tekočega natrena / a few drops of sodium or some sugar

Jagode (lahko tudi kakšno drugo sadje), jogurt in natren (uporabimo lahko tudi navaden sladkor) zmiksamo s paličnim mešalnikom, pripravek zlijemo v modelčke za sladoledne lučke in jih postavimo v zmrzovalnik. Potem še samo čakamo, da se strdijo... in viola, imamo okusen, mrzel, nizko kaloričen in domač sladoled. :)
Če smo preveč neučakani je najbolje, da imamo sladoledne lučke na zalogi, saj so najboljše komaj naslednji dan, ko se popolnoma strdijo.

Strawberries (or any other fruit), yoghurt and sodium (you can use sugar as well) we mix with a hand blender, a product we just pour into the mold for ice cream lollies and we put it in the freezer. Then we have to wait that our ice lollies become harder... and viola, we have yummy, ice cold, low calorie and homemade ice cream. :)
If you can't wait to eat this ice cream heaven you should have them in freezer stock, because they taste even better when they are totally hard- the next day. 

Poskusite jih narediti, ne bo vam žal! :)
Try to make them at home, you won't regret it!

Friday, May 23, 2014

To the #seaside; na #morje

Včeraj smo se s prijateljicami podale na pot proti morju. Pristale smo v Kopru in res čisto izkoristle dan. Povzetek dneva: sonček, sončni zahod, morje, plaža, druženje, pivo, lignji, sladoled... Zakaj je sladoled prečrtan? Ker je bil edina slaba stvar v celem dnevu. Čisto voden, brez okusa in še kornet je bil mehek. No, pa tudi to se zgodi. Morem priznati, da je bil dan res enkraten. Komaj čakam na naslednji izlet s prijateljicami (za katerega upam, da bo daljši!). :)

Yesterday I went to the seaside with my friends. We were driving towards the sea and ended up in Koper. Summary of our day: sunshine, sunset, sea, beach, hanging out, beer, squids, ice cream... Why is ice cream crossed out? Because it was the only bad thing in the whole day. Completely guided, tasteless and even the cone was soft. Well, I guess sometimes those things happen. I have to admit that it really was an amazing day. I'm looking forward for a next trip with my friends (which I hope it will be longer!). :)

wearing: shoes,tee$sunnies: H&M, bag: Lauren (vintage), shorts: New Yorker
nosim: čevlji,majčka, sončna očala: H&M, torbica: Lauren (vintage), kratke hlače: New Yorker

Vsaka punca bi morala imeti Chanel v svoji šatuljici. Pa naj bo to original ali replika.
Jaz sem mojemu včerajšnjemu outfitu dodala piko na i z mojo "Chanel" lasnico in uhančki. <3

Every girl should own something Chanel. Whether it may be original or just a replica. 
I added icing on the cake (or should I say icing on the outfit) with my "Chanel" hairpin and earrings. 

* lipstick/šminka: Bourjois color boost: 02 Fuchsia Libre

Ne pozabi me dodati na Instagram: fashionandpinkheart , Google+: my profile ali spremljaj moj blog preko Google Friend Connect.
Don't forget to add me on Instagram, Google+ or follow my blog via Google Friend Connect.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Travel: Lloret de Mar diary


My vacation is already over and I really had a blast. I didn't party as much as I thought that I will, but anyway I came home with some wonderful memories. I hope that someday I will be able to repeat this trip and return to SPAIN <3. First I wanted to show you some pictures from Lloret de Mar. The beach, the sea, clubs, little shops, sun, nice weather, great breakfast and dinner... all those words come to my mind when I think about this city (or should I say summer resort?). Anyway it was wonderful <3

*yuuumy, after eight ice cream :3

* I finally found my castle <3

My next post: Travel: Barcelona diary is coming soon!
Stay tuned.