Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Army green + leather

It's time for the last outfit post in 2015. I just can't believe that the year is already gone. This year has been really good to me. I realized that I need to love myself first, I spent some quality time with my friends and my family, I partied a lot, I visited some new countries, I worked a lot and I was just enjoying life. Now it's time to set some goals for 2016. It's time for some school projects to be done, maybe to find love again... but of course, enjoying life is still a priority. 
You only live once, so tell me - what are you living for? :)

I think that black and army green were mine most worn colors of this year. I also can't forget gold that was almost always partner in crime when it comes to details. :)

I still can't believe how warm and sunny this winter is. Today I was wearing my short leather jacket that it's suitable for autumn, but I didn't feel any cold. :)
And how nice is this long army green shirt? You can wear it on pants or on some leggings. Primark rocks! :)
Faux leather... probably my most worn material this year - even in summer. :) 

*wearing: boots and purse from Deichmann
shirt from Primark
leather pants from H&M
leather jacket from Tally Weijl
earrings and bracelet from eBay

Thank you Santa for this cute little black purse (I guess I was a good girl after all, haha). I already have this purse in royal blue shade, but the black one is even more perfect. 

On my nails is Essie- Really Red and on my lips is plum lipstick from Essence Merry Berry limited edition in shade 01 let's the tales begin. :)

I hope that 2015 was good to you as well. 
Recap of my blog year you will be able to read on my blog till New Year's Eve. :)

Be good and don't forget to wear something red on you New Year's Eve. Legend says that red will bring you love in the year that's ahead of you - it's worth the try. 


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Festive spirit (or some ideas for Christmas presents)

It's time for some festive spirit on my blog! St. Nicholas was delivering presents on Saturday evening for good kids, and since then I'm waiting for Christmas like crazy. Of course St. Nicholas brought me a few presents too (because I'm a good girl, haha).
In this post I will show you some pictures and products that bring out my festive spirit. Maybe you will also find an idea or two for Christmas presents for your loved ones. :)

Čas je, da se na mojem blogu znajde tudi praznična objava. Miklavž je v soboto nosil darila pridnim otrokom in od takrat naprej komaj čakam Božič. Seveda je Miklavž tudi meni prinesel nekaj daril (saj sem pridna punca, haha.) :)
V tej objavi vam bom pokazala par slikic in izdelkov, ki v meni pričarajo praznično vzdušje. Mogoče pa tudi vi najdete kakšno idejo za božično darilo. :)

If you want to smell like Christmas you should order this bubble bath from Avon. It costs aroud 3 € and it really brings out festive mood. Mrs. Frosty smells like spiced apple and Mr. Frosty smells like oranges. It's such a shame that I'm allergic on citrus fruits and can't try him too. 

Mrs. Frosty mehurčkasta kopalna kopel iz Avona je primerna izbira, če želite vohati Božič, haha. Milo diši po jabolkah s cimetom in res prikliče praznični čas tudi v kopalnico. Cena je okrog 3 € (odvisno od akcije, ki jo Avon ponuja). Kupite lahko tudi Mr. Frosty milo, ki diši po pomarančah. Škoda, da imam alergijo na agrume, saj bi tudi gospoda Zmrznjenčka rada poizkusila. :(

I really love I love... products. Their shower gels smell delicious and their hand creams are very moisturizing. I really like smell of vanilla during holidays, don't know why. Hand creme like this could be a perfect gift. :)

Obožujem I love... izdelke. Njihovi geli za tuširanje dišijo božansko, kremice za roke pa so prav tako dišeče in zelo vlažilne. Meni osebno je vonj vanilije v prazničnih časih zelo všeč. Kakšna kremica za roke je pa lahko tudi super darilo. :)

Good quotes for believing in yourself in hard times are the best! I will write mine in this cute notebook. Always believe in yourself! The design of this notebook is too cute, and price is just 1 € (Kik store) . Perfect gift! :)

Dobre misli, da verjamemo v sebe tudi v najtežjih časih so zelo pomembne. Svoje bom zapisala v ta srčkan zvezek. Zasnova tega zvezka je preveč srčkana, cena pa je samo 1 € (Kik).
Vedno verjemi v sebe! :)

I adore Katy Perry - Killer Queen parfume . This one is already my third bottle. Because it's sweet, but seductive fragrance at the same time I think that almost everybody will like it. 
It's price is also not too high - 50 ml for 25 €. :)
If you want to know more about this parfume you can read an old post about it: Katy Perry royal parfumes

Obožujem Katy Perry - Killer Queen parfum. V moji zbirki parfumov je ta steklenička že tretja. Parfum ima sladek, a hkrati zelo zapeljiv vonj in zato menim, da bi lahko bil všeč skoraj vsaki ženski. Tudi cena je zmerna - 50 ml za 25 €. :)
Več o tem parfumu sem zapisala že nekaj časa nazaj, opis pa najdete na tej povezavi: Katy Perry royal parfumes

Every girl who loves make up would be happy to get some make up as a gift. This cute blusher from Catrice is packed really Christmassy and it would be a perfect gift. If you want it you must hurry, because it's from Catrice limited edition with name Treasure Trove. This blusher is 01- Caviar and Champagne and it costs 4,69 €. It's also available in champagne shade with name 02- Golden Grace and it costs the same. 

Vsaka punca, ki obožuje ličila bi bila vesela kakšnih novih pod božično jelko. Ta lepo Catrice rdečilo za lička ima potisk zvezdic in me zato spominja na Božič. Če želite ujeti to rdečilo morate pohiteti, saj je iz omejene kolekcije z imenom Treasure Trove. Rdečilo je v odtenku 01- Caviar and Champagne in stane 4,69 €. Rdečilo najdete tudi v odtenku šampanjca z imenom 02- Golden Grace in stane enako. 
Celotno kolekcijo si lahko ogledate na tej povezavi: Treasure Trove

    This nail polish is from Essence limited edition with name Winter?Wonderful!. 03 The iced nail polish is just one of the products from this collection that would be great to get under the Christmas tree (whole collection you can find here: limited edition). If you have a friend that's a laquerholic you must get her this nail polish. It has a frosted finish and on white nails it looks like you have ice on them. :)

    Ta lak za nohte je iz Essence omejene kolekcije z imenom Winter? Wonderful! 
    03 The iced lak za nohte je samo eden izmed izdelkov iz omejene kolekcije in bi ga bilo super dobiti pod Božično jelko (celotno kolekcijo najdete tukaj: omejena kolekcija). Če imate prijateljico, ki je lakoholičarka ji nujno morate kupiti ta lak. 03 The iced ima zamrzjen finiš, kar pomeni, da izgleda kot, da imate na nohtih led. To se še posebaj super vidi na beli manikuri. :)

    What could be more Christmassy than brooch with a raindeer or earrings with Christmas cap?! All those things you can find in Kik for just 1 €. (: How little we need to to conjure up some holiday spirit, don't we? 

    Kaj je lahko bolj božično kot broška z jelenčkom in uhančki z božično kapico?! Vse te stvari najdete v Kiku samo za 1 €. (:
    Kako malo potrebujemo, da lahko pričaramo popolno božično vzdušje kajne? :)

    Candy canes are a must for me during the holidays! Especially I love eating them, but candy canes in a lip gloss form are cool too! :)

    Sladkorne palčke morajo biti med prazniki pri meni doma vedno na zalogi! Še posebaj obožujem sladke sladkorne palčke, ampak takšne v obliki lip glossa so tudi zakon! :)

    I love candles. I love how one smell can change one room with its scent. My favorite candles are from Primark (yep, I love them even more than Yankee candles). They cost only 1 € and they burn up to 12 hours. My favorite scent is sweet vanilla & coconut or winter berry. :)

    Obožujem svečke. Všeč mi je kako samo ena svečka lahko spremeni celotno sobo samo z vonjem. Moje najljubše svečke so iz Primarka ( jap, celo bolj všeč so mi od Yankee candles). Svečke stanejo samo 1 € in gorijo do 12 ur. Moj najljubši vonj je sladka vanilija & kokos ali zimsko jagodivčje. :)

    What more can bring Christmas spirit than Christmas nails? Essie nail polish in blood red color with some gold glitters is the perfect combo for Christmas nails. Also every girl would be happy to get Essie nail polish as a gift, because these nail polishes are really the best.
    The glittery one is named as Summit of style and the red one is named as Really Red. :)

    Kaj lahko lahko bolj prikliče božično vzdušje kot božična manikura? Essie lak za nohte v krvavo rdeči barvi z nekaj zlatimi bleščicami je popolna kombinacija za božične nohte. Menim, da bi bila vsaka punca vesela Essija pod jelko, saj so ti laki res vrhunske kvalitete.
    Lak z bleščicami se imenuje Summit of stlye (lanska zimska kolekcija), lak rdeče barve pa se imenuje Really Red. :)

    Get yourself in Christmas spirit!
    Tudi ti se spravi v božično vzdušje! :)


    Saturday, December 5, 2015

    Outfit post: The hat

    Hello lovelies! :)
    December is here and I'm still not in a festive mood. Usually I would be head over hells for Christmas decorations and things related with Christmas, but this year Christmas spirit still hasn't arrive in my soul. I think that the main reason for this is the weather. I just can't believe how warm and sunny it's outside. 
    I really hope that this year I will experience a snowy Christmas morning - fingers crossed. :)

    Pozdravček! :)
    December je že tukaj, jaz pa še zmeraj nisem v prazničnem vzdušju. Ponavadi bi v tem času že gledala praznične dekoracije, poslušala božično glasbo in počela stvari, ki so povezane z Božičem, vendar letos božični duh še ni dosegel moje duše. Menim, da je glavni razlog za to toplo in sončno vreme, ki smo ga deležni. Upam, da se mi letos uresniči moja želja in se med prazniki zbudim v zasneženo jutro. :) 

    Yesterday I was a hat lady. I really like wearing caps and hats. I think that this hat that I was wearing yesterday made my outfit very chic. As you can see and probably know one of my favorite colors is black. You may also know that I love gold details. My outfit today was dark on the first notice (black + gold with dark violet lips), but below the coat I was wearing an innocent white t-shirt. 
    If I'd get lost all of my angels I would gain all of my demons. :)

    Včeraj sem bila gospodična s klobučkom. Zadnjo leto zelo rada nosim razne kape in klobuke. Mislim, da je bil ta klobuček včeraj res pika na i celotnemu outfitu. 
    Kot verjetno vidite in veste je ena izmed mojih najljubših barv črna. Verjetno pa tudi veste, da sem obsedena z zlatimi odtenki. Moj včerajšnji outfit je bil na prvi pogled temačen (črna + zlata in temno vijolična šminka na mojih ustnicah). To temačnost pa je malce razbila nedolžno bela majčka pod plaščom.
    Če bi izgubila vse svoje angele bi pridobila vse svoje demone - in obratno. :)

    I don't support killing animals for clothes and that's why I'm wearing faux fur and faux leather - in case you were wondering. :)

    Naj omenim še, da ne podpiram ubijanja živali za oblačila, zato so vsi izdelki umetnega izvora - umetno usnje in umetno krzno. :)

     *wearing: leather coat and jeans from New Yorker
    plašč in jeans iz New Yorker-ja
    hat from Primark
    klobuk iz Primarka

    What do you think about my outfit? 
    Kaj meniš o mojem outfitu? 


    Friday, December 4, 2015

    Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet lipstick: 07 Nude-ist

    Pozdravček! :)
    Danes bo govora o Bourjois šminki iz Rouge Edition Velvet kolekcije v odtenku 07 Nude-ist. O eni šminki iz te kolekcije sem že govorila v eni izmed objav: New lippies. Sedaj imam v svoji kolekciji šmink že 3 različne odtenke iz te kolekcije. Naj pa že na začetku objave povem, da sem nad temi šminkami/glossi navdušena. 

    Hello! :)
    Today I'm talking about Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet lipsticks in shade 07: Nude-ist. A while ago I did a post where I included one lipstick (New lippies). At the moment I own 3 lipsticks from this collection. I need to tell you that I really LOVE these lipsticks/glosses. 

    Dolgo časa sem iskala šminko v pudrasto roza odtenku, ki bi bila hrakti mehka, dolgo obstojna in imela mat učinek. Vse to sem našla v omenjenem odtenku 07 Nude-ist. 
    Rouge Edition Velvet kolekcija znamke Bourjois ima mehko teksturo, ki se zmatira. Ob nanosu šminke na ustnicah čutimo popolno mehkobo, ki čez čas izgine in na ustnicah ne čutimo popolnoma ničesar. Ko sem prvič nanesla eno izmed šmink in se odpravila na kosilo sem po kosilu mislila, da nimam več popolnoma nič šminke na ustnicah, saj je nisem čutila. Ko sem se pogledala v ogledalo je pa sledilo presenečenje - čisto VSA šminka je ostala na ustnicah. Obstojnost teh izdelkov je resnično neverjetna! :)
    Šminka je tudi zelo pigmentirana in čudovito diši
    Edina slabost, ki jo najdem pri šminki je, da po nekaj urah nošenja malce izsuši ustnice zaradi svojega mat finiša. V tem primeru dodam na ustnice še malo šminke in je težava rešena.

    For a long time I was looking for a lipstick in powdery pink color that would have a soft texture, it's long lasting and it would have a mat texture. All those things I found in shade 07 Nude-ist.
    Rouge Edition Velvet collection from Bourjois it has soft and mat texture. When lipstick is applied you feel softness on your lips which disappears after a while and it feels like you have nothing on your lips. How long lasting these lipsticks are is really unbelievable! :)
    Lipstick is also very good pigmented and it smells divine. 
    The only thing that's maybe bad about this lipstick is that it dries your lips a bit after you wear it for a few hours. If this happens you just put on some more lipstick and the problem is solved for next few hours. :)

    Odstranjevanje tega odtenka je dokaj lahko, saj je odtenek res nežen. Ustnice enostavo obrišem z vlažilnim robčkom.
    Če nameravate kupiti temnejši odtenek in ga nositi cel dan, potem lahko pri odstranjevanju pričakujete malce več preglavic, saj zaradi pigmentiranosti šminke pustijo kakšen madež na ustnicah. Ampak nič drastičnega. :)

    Removing this lipstick is easy, because this shade is very gentle. I just wipe my lips with a towelette.
    If you are planning to buy a brighter shade and wear it for a whole day, then you can have a few problems with removing. Because of the pigmenation lipstick can leave a stain even after a removal. But nothing drastically. :)

    Šminka je pakirana enako kot celotna kolekcija - prozorna steklenička v kateri vidimo barvo šminke/glossa z ujemajočim pokrovčkom. 

    Lipstick package is very cute and packed like the whole collection - transparent bottle, so we can see the color of the product with matching cap. 

    Izdelek najdete v drogerijah DM in Muller, ter v spletni prodajalni salma.si
    Cena se giblje okrog 14 €.

    You can find Bourjois products in Dm or Muller and on salma.si. Price it's around 14 €

    Kako izdelek izgleda na ustnicah pa lahko vidite na spodnjih fotografijah. :)

    On the pictures below you can see how this shade looks on lips. :)

    Za konec objave pa še slika vseh 3 šmink iz moje kolekcije 
    (odtenki 04, 06 in 07):
    For the end of this post here are all 3 lipsticks from my collection (shades 04, 06, 07):

    Kaj pa ti, že imaš kakšno šminko iz te kolekcije v svoji zbirki? 

    What about you, do you own any lipstick from this collection? 


    Wednesday, November 11, 2015

    Review: Balea Fruity Cranberry set

    Pozdravljeni! :)
    Današnja objava bo potekala o dveh izdelkih iz kolekcije Fruity Cranberry, in sicer o gelu za tuširanje in pa o losjonu za telo
    Kot že samo ime Baleine kolekcije pove sta oba produkta z zelo sladkim vonjem brusnice. 

    Hello! :)
    Today I will talk about two pampering products from Fruity Cranberry collection. The talk will be about shower gel and body lotion from Balea with very sweet cranberry scent

    Ta dva izdelka sta pravzaprav pakirana v setu in mislim, da ju ni mogoče kupiti posamezno. Cena seta stane 3,99 € in ga lahko kupite v Dm drogerijah.

    These two products are packed together in a set and I think that you can't buy them separate. Price for this set is 3,99 € and it's available in Dm drugstores

    Kot lahko vidite na slikah je celoten set zelo ljubek in res pritegne. Sprava sem želela kupiti set samo zato, ker res lepo izgleda, hihi. Menim, da je to eden izmed lepših setov, ki jih je ustvarila Balea. Zelo mi je všeč kombinacija roza in brusnične barve in poslikave brusnic na obeh izdelkih, prav tako pa se tudi škatla v kateri sta izdelka pakirana ujema. :) V setu dobite 400 ml izdelkov. 

    As you can see on the pictures this is a very cute set. First I wanted to buy it just because it looks so cute, hihi. I really think that this is one of the prettiest Balea sets. I really like the combination of pink and cranberry color, cranberry drawing and as well I like the box that's matching with both products. In this set you get 400 ml of products.

    Gel za tuširanje / Shower gel:

    Gel za tuširanje je velik 200 ml. Kot sem že omenila je vonj zelo sladek in meni osebno prijeten. Če niste za preveč sladke vonje potem vam tega izdelka ne priporočam. :)
    Kar se tiče obstojnosti izdelka imam z vsemi Balea izdelki podobno izkušnjo - takoj, ko stopim izpod tuša se na žalost izdelek ne vonja več na moji koži. Škoda. Drugače je moja koža po uporabi mehka in prijetna na otip, izdelek moje kože dodatno tudi ne izsuši. 
    Izdelek je dermatološko testiran in naj ne bi povzročal alergij.

    Ocena: 6/10 

    Shower gel contains 400 ml. As I already mentioned this shower gel has very sweet scent that I personally like. If you don't like sweet scents then this shower gel isn't suitable for you. :)
    What I can tell you about it's lasting? Well, with all Balea shower gels I have the same experience - after I walk out of the shower I can't smell it anymore. It's no difference with this one and it really is a shame. Otherwise this product makes my skin soft and it doesn't dry it. Product is also dermatologically tested and it shouldn't cause you any allergies. 

    My rating: 6/10

    Losjon za telo / Body lotion: 

    Tudi tega izdelka dobite 200 ml. Izdelek ima enak vonj kot gel za tuširanje in je res sladek in diši čisto po brusnicah. Izdelek ima malo vodno teksturo, zato izdelek malo teče in nima čisto kremaste teksture, vendar to ne vpliva na vlaženje kože. Meni osebno je losjon za telo zelo zelo všeč. Mojo kožo navlaži v trenutku in tudi vonj na koži ostane kar nekaj časa. Tudi ta izdelek je dermatološko testiran in naj ne bi povzročal alergij. 

    Ocena: 9/10

    This product also contains 200 ml and it has the same scent as shower gel - very sweet and it smells like cranberry. It has a very watery texture and it's not really creamy, but that doesn't affect the moisturizing. I really like this lotion. My skin is moisturized in a minute and on my skin I can smell cranberries for a while as well. This product is also dermatologically tested and it shouldn't cause you any allergies.

    My rating: 9/10

    Moje splošno mnenje:
    Set je za svojo ceno popolnoma zadovoljiv in prijetnega vonja, še posebaj všeč mi je losjon za telo. Zaradi pakiranja in res ugodne cene menim, da je odlično božično darilo. :)

    My general opinion:
    This set is for it's price great and it smells great. I also really like body lotion. Because of the packing and really low price I think it could be a great Christmas gift. :)

    Hvala za pozornost. / Thank you for reading.

    Sunday, November 8, 2015

    Outfit post: Black and white with red lips

    Sunny day, great company, exhibition of pet animals (read: little rabbits <3, because I didn't even look other animals, haha - rabbits are seriously the cutest animals), great food, great coffee, long walks and shopping... all these things I did on Saturday. For me weekends are for spending time with my favorite people and doing things that I can't do during the week. 
    Hope you had a great weekend as well! :)

    Sončen dan, dobra družba, razstava malih živali (beri: pritlikavi zajčki <3 - drugih živali sploh nisem šla gledat, ker so zajčki nekaj najbolj ljubkega na svetu!), dobra hrana, dobra kava, dolgi sprehodi in nakupovanje... to vse sem počela v soboto. Zame so vikendi namenjeni preživljanju časa z mojimi najljubšimi ljudmi in, da počnem stvari za katere ni toliko časa med tednom.
    Upam, da je bil tudi vaš vikend prijeten! :)

    On my pictures today you can see Ptuj. It's the oldest town in Slovenia and it also has a status of a museum town. :)

    Danes lahko na fotografijah vidite tudi Ptuj. Ptuj je najstarejše mesto v Sloveniji in ima tudi status muzejskega mesta. :)

    Now let's talk about my outfit.
    I just can't get out of my skin - black and white outfits with gold details are just my thing. :)
    I've decided to finally put on this gorgeous woolen black dress with white collar that I bought in Primark and combine it with this long gold necklace. Under my dress I put basic black leggings, because I thought that it would be cold in nylons (I was wrong, because weather this autumn is beyond gorgeous) and my favorite ankle boots (I'm so happy that the year is around and I can finally wear them again.). Then I just grabbed my bright red lipstick and put it on my lips, put my sunnies on my nose and I was good to go! :)

    Sedaj pa nekaj besed o mojem outfitu.
    Črno-beli outfiti z zlatimi dodatki so pač moja stvar. :)
    Končno sem se odločila, da oblečem črno obleko z belim ovratnikom in nadenem še zlato dolgo verižico iz Primarka. Pod obleko sem oblekla navadne črne legice in obula svoje najljubše gležnarje. Na ustnice sem nanesla živo rdečo šminko, vzela svoja najljubša sončna očala in že sem bila pripravljena na odhod. :)

    *wearing:  dress and necklace from Primark
                   leggings and sunnies from H&M
       jacket from Tally Weijl
                       shoes and bag from random store 

    Don't forget to tell me what do you think about this outfit. :) 
    Hope you have a nice Sunday evening.

    Wednesday, November 4, 2015

    Outfit update: Tartan in my heart

    Hello loves!
    I've decided that I will start a new kind of posts. I will call them Outfit update. In this kind of posts I will show you a few details from my outfit, because I didn't have time and energy to take some proper pictures. 
    Hope you will like it. :)

    Past days were a bit intense for me. I'm still tired from the weekend - I was working for 24 hours in two days. So basically I didn't have time to even eat properly and my stomach still hurts a bit. And I've been wondering why we have some people in our hearts, but we can't have them in our lives?! It's so unfair...
    Well... enough whining for me. At least the weather is amazing for autumn! A few sun rays and we all have smiles on our faces, no matter how hard life gets. :) 
    Aren't I chatty today?! 
    Now, let's talk about my outfit. :)

    I wore a bit wide shirt with tartan print with leather pants and boots up to the knee. To my outfit I added minimalistic gold necklace with pearl and on my shirt I put leather jacket. Comfy and chic. :)

    *wearing: shirt and necklace from Primark
                sunnies and pants from H&M
       boots from Deichmann

    This dark red lipstick from Primark (I talked about it in this post here) is a perfect match with my shirt, hihi. :)

    Have a nice day,

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015

    Outfit post: Autumn everywhere

    "If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely." 
    Roald Dahl

    I love positive quotes, because they make my days easier and brighter. When I first saw this t-shirt in Primark I just had to put it in my shopping bag, because I loved the design and obviously that cute quote. I also love that's a bit baggy and I think that it goes great with leather pants and comfy sneakers. 
    What do you think? :)

    I really wasn't a sneakers person about two years ago... and look at me now. I'm combining sporty shoes with not just sporty clothes. Sometimes it really feels good walking in really comfy shoes, but I still prefer some heels. I guess I can't go out of my skin completely. :)

    *wearing: shoes & tee & purse & ankle bracelet from Primark
    pants from Terranova
    jacket from Tally Weijl
    bracelet from Duty Free Shop

    For the end of this post I want to encourage you to always try pull out the best from every situation that you find yourself in, defeat the darkness, have positive thoughts and shine bright like a diamond, because you are unique and there's at least one person on this world that loves you for who you are. :)

    Kisses with good thoughts,