Tuesday, October 4, 2016

5 Essence products that I currently LOVE

Hello loves! :)
Today is again time for some make up talk. Currently I'm using 5 products from Essence very often and I think they are really amazing for its price. Most of the products that I'm using have new bottles - which I really like; and there is also one product that you will be able to buy from Autumn 2016. I'm talking about lipstick that you can see on the picture above and I can tell you right away that I think it's AMAZING! :)

Pozdravček! :)
Danes je zopet čas za govor o ličilih. Trenutno uporabljam 5 izdelkov znamke Essence zelo pogosto in menim, da so za svojo dostopno ceno vredni nakupa. Večina izdelkov, ki jih uporabljam ima nove embalaže- ki so mi je zelo všeč; med izdelki je pa tudi en izdelek, ki bo del redne kolekcije v letošnji jeseni. Govorim o šminki, ki jo lahko vidite na sliki zgoraj. Že zdaj lahko namignem, da je vredna nakupa! :)
1.  2in1 eyeshadow & liner waterproof 
 02 peach perfect

This product can be used as an eyeshadow or a liner. It has a very smooth texture and it makes your eyes pop if you add it into the inner corners of your eyes. I often use it as a liner. It's also waterproof and when I swatched it I had to use tonic to get it off my hand. It's also very practical because of its packing and because of the shape it's easy to apply and to carry around.
I also have it in 01 go bro'nze. You can buy it for around 3€. :)

Ta izdelek lahko uporabimo kot senčilo za veke ali kot črtalo. Izdelek ima zelo mazljivo teksturo in če ga nanesemo v notranji kotiček očesa nam tega res lepo poudari. Sama ga pogosto uporabljam kot črtalo. Izdelek je tudi vodoodporen in, ko sem ga swatchala sem morala uporabiti tonik za obraz, da sem ga dobila iz roke. Prav tako je izdelek zelo praktičen zaradi svoje embalaže, saj ga z lahkoto pospravimo v torbico in prenašamo naokoli, prav tako pa je tudi za nanašanje enostaven - zaradi oblike konice. 
Izdelek imam tudi v odtenku 01 go bro'nze. 
Izdelek stane okrog 3 €. :)

2. Stay all day 16h long-lasting concealer
 10 natural beige

This concealer is really good. I use it mostly around my eyes, but not to cover any pimples. I love how it applies and that after wearing it all day it doesn't become greasy. For a price around 3 € it really is amazing. :)

Ta korektor je zelo dober. Večinoma ga uporabljam okrog oči, ne uporabljam pa ga za prekrivanje kakšnih nepravilnosti. Zelo mi je všeč kako se nanaša in, da tudi po celodnevnem nošenju ostane takšen kot je bil na začetku. Prav tako se ne nabira v gubice ali kaj podobnega. Za ceno okorg 3 € je izdelek res super. :)

3. Rock'n'doll volume & eye-opening mascara

It really is one of the best mascaras that I have ever tried and it costs only 3 €. Not even Dior one makes my lashes so long and pretty. This mascara doesn't make your lashes glued together nor sticky. It has a curved brush and because of that you can easily apply it on your lashes. You are also able to buy one with a normal brush.

Rock'n'doll maskara je ena izmed najboljših maskar, ki sem jih kdaj poskusila. Po mojem mnenju prekosi tudi Diorjevo, saj naredi moje trepalnice res zelo dolge. Trepalnic maskara ne zlepi, ampak resnično poudari njihov volumen. Cena maskare je samo 3 €. Maskara ima ukrivljeno krtačko, zato je nanos maskare res enostaven. Če niste ljubiteljice ukrivljenih krtačk je na voljo tudi maskara iz Rock'n'doll kolekcije, ki ima normalno krtačko.

4. Stay all day 16 h long-lasting make-up 
20 soft nude

Soft texture and high coverage for only 5 €. Stay all day 16 h powder it really stays on your skin for the whole day. I have an oily skin, so if I don't use a good foundation my face looks cakey after a few hours. With this one I don't have any problems. My face is maybe a bit oily after a whole day of wearing it, but for this price I think that's totally alright. You can also choose between a great variety of shades. It also doesn't feel heavy on your skin. :)

Mehka in tekoča tekstura z visoko prekrivnostjo za samo 5 €. To je Stay all day 16 h tekoča podlaga, ki na našem obrazu zares ostane ves dan. Moja koža je mastna in v primeru, da ne uporabim dobre tekoče podlage lahko moj obraz hitro izgleda cakey. S tem pudrom nimam teh težav, je pa moja koža po res celem dnevu nošenja malo oljnata - ampak to hitro popravim s pudrom v prahu. Izdelek lahko izberete v kar nekaj razlučnih odtenkih, na koži pa ne deluje težko. :)

5. MATT MATT MATT lipstick 
08 it's a statement

High five Essence for this MATT MATT MATT collection. I just can't believe how amazing this lipstick is. I love the color - it's very dark brown with red undertone; very unique color. This lipstick is SO long-lasting. I could easily compare it to the Bourjouis Velvet Mattes. Lipstick doesn't dry my lips and it doesn't feel thick on them. Also the packaging is very cute, because the cap is the same color as the lipstick inside it. I also got one other shade for this collection and now I'm waiting for other 6 shades to launch. Price of this one is around 3 €. :) Sometimes the best things aren't expensive!

High five Essence za MATT MATT MATT kolekcijo šmink. Preprosto ne morem verjeti kako čudovita je ta šminka. Obožujem barvo - temno rjava s podtonom rdeče, ki je popolna za jesenski čas. Takšnega odtenka še res nisem zasledila nikjer. Šminka je zelo dolgo obstojna in z zelo dolgo obstojnim mislim, da se lahko primerja z Bourjouis Velvet Mattes. Šminka mojih ustnic ne izsuši. Všeč mi je tudi embalaža šminke, saj je pokrovček enake barve kot odtenek šminke, ki se skriva pod njim. Trenutno čakam še na ostalih 6 odtenkov,ki pridejo na prodajne police zelo kmalu. Cena šminke je samo okrog 3 € - včasih najboljše stvari niso drage! :)

What about you - do you have any Essence favorites? :)
Kaj pa ti - imaš kakšen Essence favorit? :)

Kisses / poljubčki,

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Outfit post: Baby, I'm baby blue (collaboration with StyleWe store)

Hello loves!
Hope you're doing great. My life has been so busy lately that I didn't even have time to write a review about my gorgeous new handbag that online store Style We has kindly sent me a few weeks ago. So, here it is... a review about this stunning handbag that I adore! <3

Upam, da ste vredu. Moje življenje je bilo zadnje čase zelo pestro, tako zelo, da nisem uspela niti napisati objave o svoji novi torbici, ki so mi jo prijazno poslali iz Style We spletne trgovine. No, torej tukaj je... objava o tej čudoviti torbici, ki jo naravnost obožujem! <3

This cute handbag I have paired with chiffon shirt in the same color, my favorite high waisted jeans, leather jacket, two gold necklaces (one of them has a little unicorn charm <3), big sunnies and my favorite autumn boots. :) To add a little darkness to my outfit I have decided to put a dark brown lipstick on my lips (Essence - matt matt matt 08 it's a statement; amazing pigmentation and it's very long lasting).

Torbico sem kombinirala s srajčko iz šifona v enaki barvi, mojimi najljubšimi hlačami z visokim pasom, usnjeno jaknico, dvema zlatima verižicama (ena ima obesek z unicornom <3), velikimi sončnimi očali in mojimi najljubšimi jesenskimi gležnarji. :) Ker je bil celoten videz zelo punčkast sem se odločila, da mu dodam malo temačnosti z temno rjavo šminko na ustnicah ( Essence- matt matt matt 08 it's a statement odtenek; šminka je super obstojna in pigmenirana).

On Style We you can find amazing products. You are able to buy dresses, tops, outwear clothes, bottoms, jumpsuits, knitwear and handbags. I really had a hard time choosing only one product, but at the end I have decided to choose a Just Star handbag in baby blue color.

Na spletni strani Style We lahko najdete čudovite izdelke. Kupiti je možno obleke, majčke, jakne, hlače, kombinizone, pletena oblačila in tudi torbice. Sama sem imela kar precej preglavic pri odločitvi kateri izdelek izbrati, vendar sem se na koncu vseeno odločila za torbico znamke Just Star v baby modri barvi.

This handbag is small sized. Its height is around 22 cm. I think it's not too small, because I can put in it everything that I need during the day. It has two open pockets inside and one outside zipper pocket. You can wear it over your shoulder or in your hands. It also has the cutest decoration - bees and flowers. <3 It's a very girly and cute purse, just how I like it. 

Torbica je manjše velikosti. Njena višina je nekje 22 cm. Menim, da je pa torbica kljub temu ravno pravšnje velikosti, saj vanjo dobim vse stvari, ki jih potrebujem tekom dneva. Torbica ima dva žepka v notranjosti in en žepek z zadrgo zunaj torbice. Možno jo je nositi preko rame ali enostavno v roki. Torbica ima tudi srčkano dekoracijo - čebelice in rožice. <3 Torbica je zelo punčkasta in čisto zame.

Cena torbice je 54 $.

chiffon shirt from New Yorker
pants from H&M
shoes from H&M
long necklace from Primark
unicorn charm necklace from New Yorker
handbag from STYLE WE

If you want to see more of Style We you can check out their official website https://www.stylewe.com or follow them on social media accounts: 
* Pinterest: StyleWe on Pinterest 
* Blog page: Style We reviews

Ostale informacije so na voljo na njihovi spletni strani ali na socialnih omrežjih, ki so zapisana zgoraj. :)

Thank you so much for sending me this purse StyleWe! I just really love it! <3

Spletni strani StyleWE se zahvaljujem za poslan izdelek. <3

Kisses / poljubčki,

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Essence upcoming collections: Girls just wanna have fun and Me & my umbrella

Pa je spet prišel čas za objavo iz sveta lepotnih novičk. Essence je spet naredil odlično delo in poskrbel, da bo moja denarnica občutno tanjša v prihajajočih dveh mesech. Že v začetku objave pa naj povem, da želim čisto vse izdelke iz obeh kolekcij, uuuups! <3
Na trg bosta postavljeni dve kolekciji: Girls just wanna have fun in pa Me & my umbrella. Prva je zelo punčkasta in roza, druga pa kliče po jeseni in po temnejših odtenkih.

It's time for some make up talk. Essence again did a great job and made sure that my wallet will suffer in the next two months. Thanks, haha. At the beginning of this post I need to tell you that I'm totally hooked about their next two trend collections and I want all of the products from them both, yikes!
Girls just wanna have fun is a very girly and pink collection, Me & my umbrella is the total opposite of the previous one. It calls for autumn and dark shades. 

** Girls just wanna have fun **

Kolekcija bo na voljo od sredine Septembra in do konca Oktobra 2016. Izdelki bodo na voljo v svetlo roza, vijoličnih in rjavih tonih. Punčkasto! :)

This collection will be available from the middle of September till the end of October. 

1. Osvetljevalec / Highlighter 
01 lady's night
3,59 €
Ljubezen na prvi pogled. Hočem, rabim! 
Love on the first sight. Must have, I neeed!

2. Večbarvno rdečilo za lička / Multicolor blush
01 who run the world? girls!
3,59 €
Čudovita embalaža. Rabim, spet!
Gorgeous packing. I need it, again!

3. Senčilo za oči v paleti / Eyeshadow palette
01 just me and my girls
2,99 €

4. Šminke / Creamy lipsticks
01 pretty girls rocks!, 02 barbie girl, 03 we are young!
2,79 €
#Barbiemood je vse kaj lahko rečem. <3
#Barbiemood is all I can say, haha. 

5. Piling za ustnice / Lip scrub
01 barbie girl
3,29 €
Zanimivo, piling za ustnice v obliki šminke. 
Interesting. Lip scrub that looks like lipstick. 

6. Duo-laki za nohte / Duo-nail polishes
01 just me and my girls, 02 who run the world? girls!, 03 we're happy together
2,19 €

7. Kozmetična torbica / Cosmetic bag
01 all we wanna do is have some fun
3,29 €

8.  2v1 pilica na nohte / 2in1 nail file
01 girls only!
1,99 €

9. Nalepke za nohte / Nail stickers
01 diamonds are girls best friends
1,39 €

Celotna kolekcija je res čudovita. Izmed vseh izdelkov si najbolj želim osvetljevalca, edina stvar ki pa me ne mika preveč so pa laki na nohte. Ostali izdelki celotne kolekcije pa se bodo najverjetneje znašli v moji nakupovalni košarici. <3

I love this collection, it's gorgeous. Product that I want the most is highlighter and the only thing I'm not too excited about are nail polishes. Other products from this collection are absolutely gorgeous and they will probably all end up in my shopping bag. 


** Me & my umbrella **

Kolekcija bo na voljo v Septembru in Oktobru 2016. Z Essence prihaja jesen in čas za dežnike. Kljub temu, da nisem ravno ljubitelj dežnikov mi je ta kolekcija zelo srčkana in vsebuje čudovite barve. Čas za temnejše ustnice, yaaas! :D

This collection will be available in September and October 2016. With Essence it's time for umbrellas and dark lips, yaas!

1. Rdečilo za lica / Blush
01 you can stand under my umbrella
3,59 €
Najbolj cute pakiranje. Zaljubljena sem. <3
The cutest packing ever. I'm in love.

2. Mat senčilo za oči / Matt eyeshadow 
01 be your own rainbow, 02 take me to the clouds
2,19 €
Če ima mat finiš v kombinaciji z lepim pakiranjem je že moje, ups.
If it has matt finish in combination with cute packing it's already mine, ups.

3. Senčilo za obrvi / Eyebrow thickener
01 brighter than sunshine, 02 walking on the rainbow
2,79 €

4. Mat šminka / Matt lipstick
01 crazy autumn love, 02 i <3 rainy days
2,49 €
Upam, da bo vijoličen odtenek res tako temno vijoličen. Seveda pa kot prava odvisnica od šmink želim obe. 
I hope that the violet one will be very dark violet shaded. But of course like a real lipstick addict I want them both.

5. Mini konturing set / Mini contouring set
01 let your smile be your umbrella on a rainy day
3,29 €
Sicer nisem pristašica konturinga, pa vendar set izgleda zelo srčkano. 
I'm not really a fan of contouring, but this set looks very cute.

6. Konturing čopič / Contouring brush
01 I like people who smile when it's raining
3,29 €

7. Nalepke za nohte / Nail stencils
01 happiness is... sharing my umbrella with you
1,39 €
Omg, kjuuuuuut! 
Omg, so cute!

8. Lak za nohte rain boots / Nail polish with rain boots finish
01 crazy autumn love, 02 i <3 rainy, 03 take me to the clouds, 04 I have my pocket full of sunshine
2,19 €
Rain boots učinek - srednje mat gumijasti zaključek se sliši tako čudno in zanimivo. Me res zanima končni izgled laka na nohtih.
Rain boots nail polish sounds so strange. It's a nail polish with matt gummy finish. I'm very curious how this looks on nails.

Res prekrasna kolekcija. Izmed vseh izdelkov si najbolj želim dva: rdečilo za lica in temno vijolično šminko. Najmanj sem navdušena nad setom za konturing in čopičem, vendar bom verjetno tudi to na koncu želela kupiti. Komaj čakam na to kolekcijo, res! :)

I love this collection. I really want this cute blush and dark violet lipstick. I'm the least excited about contouring set and brush, but probably I will want them both anyway. :P

Vse kar lahko rečem je: Essence sedi, odlično 15!
All I can say is: Essence sit down, great job 15!

Kako se pa tebi zdita ti dve kolekciji? :)
What about you, what do you think about these two upcoming collections? :)

Poljubčki / kisses,

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Outfit post: Pink is the new black + quick review of Essence Summer fun lipstick

Pridejo časi za žalost in pridejo časi za smeh. Življenje nas vsakodnevno postavlja pred veliko takšnih in drugačnih izzivov. Izzivov, ki jih enostavno moremo preživeti in prestati. V zadnjem času sem se naučila, da tudi če je življenje težko in se zdi, da gre vse narobe to ne pomeni konca. To ne pomeni, da imamo slabo življenje, samo slab dan ali teden. Iz vsake situacije se nekaj naučimo in osebnostno zrastemo. Ko pa je fajn pa je pač fajn. (:

There are times for sadness and there are times for happiness. Life gives us a lot of different challenges daily and we just need to survive and face them all. I learned that when my life gets harder and I can't see light at the end of a tunnel it doesn't mean the end. It doesn't mean that my life is bad, it just means that I have a bad day or a week. From every situation we learn something and grow. Oh well, but when there are times of pure joy all I can say is: life is good! (:

Čista sreča. Ko sem v trgovini zagledala to roza jeans jakno sem se vanjo zaljubila na prvi pogled. Potem, ko sem preverila še ceno sem bila pa že noro zatreskana. In tako v moji omari visi še ena nova jakna. Ups! 
Jeans jakne so v tem trenutku zelo "in", vendar so mi navadne preveč basic. Ta pa je popolna, saj poživi čisto vsak outfit.

Pure happiness. When I saw this pink jeans jacket in the store I feel in love with it within seconds. When I checked its price tag I was madly in love. And that's the story how my closet is thicker for one jacket.
Jeans jackets are "it piece" currently, but I always thought that they are too basic for me. This one is really perfect for me - girly, pink and gives my outfit a pop of color.

Na mojih ustnicah: Essence Summer fun TE: 02 girls just wanna have sun

Essence ima nekaj resnično zelo dobrih izdelkov, vendar sama šmink ponavadi ne uvrščam v to kategorijo. Tokratna šminka iz trend kolekcije Summer fun v odtenku 02 me je pa zelo prijetno presenetla. Šminka je čudovite roza barve, je izredno mazljiva, enostavna za nanos zaradi oblike svinčnika in ima mehko teksturo. Šminka ima po nanosu žameten občutek, ki se po par minurah nošenja spremeni v mat finiš. Šminka je izredno dolgo obstojna, saj tudi ob zaužitju hrane in pijače ostane na ustnicah. Ustnic nikakor ne izsuši. Resnično popolna mat šminka za ceno 2,49 €. Good job Essence! :) <3
Kako šminka izgleda (+ kako izgledajo ostali izdelki omenjene kolekcije) pa si lahko ogledaš na naslednji povezavi: Summer Fun.

On my lips: Essence Summer Fun TE: 02 girls just wanna have sun
Essence offers us a few really good and cheap products, but usually I wouldn't say that I love their lipsticks. I said usually, because lipstick pen from TE Summer fun really surprised me. It's a very vibrant pink lipstick that is very easy to apply on your lips because it looks like a pen and it has a very creamy texture. It has a matte finish that it's not drying at all. It's also a very long lasting lipstick, because it stays on your lips even if you're eating or drinking. It really is a perfect matte lipstick for only 2,49 €. Good job Essence! :) <3

Poljubčki/ kisses,

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Outfit post: Pretty in pink

Hello my loves!
Sometimes I can dress up like a total bad ass and sometimes I just want to be a princess for a day (or two, or forever haha). I really like wearing big and fluffy skirts. They make me feel safe and girly and I can eat as much as I want to while wearing them, haha. I need them mooooore. (:

There's nothing much going on in my life right now. I can even say that my life right now is pretty much boring and I'm waiting all week for weekend to begin. I really need some party and some wine. :P

tee & purse from Primark
flats from New Yorker
skirt from Oviesse
handmade necklace by Drobcene stvari Katie

Have a nice day.


P.S.: If you liked this post feel free to comment (no bad vibes!) or share it. <3

Friday, July 29, 2016

Make up Revolution: BBB Fortune Favours the Brave palette & Salvation Velvet Lacquer review

Pozdravček vsem! :*
Danes je na vrsti objava o ličilih, yaay. Na dolgo in široko bom strnila svoje mnenje o dveh izdelkih, ki jih lahko naročiš kar na dveh spletnih straneh: na spletni strani licila.si ali na originalni spletni strani Makeup Revolution Slovenija. Obe spletni strani sta na visokem nivoju, izdelka sem naročila do 15. ure popoldan in sta že naslednji dan bila pri meni doma. <3

BBB Fortune Favours the Brave paletka:
Že sam pogled na paletko mi je vzel dih. V paletki najdemo 30 različnih odtenkov senčil, ki imajo tudi različne finiše. Najdemo lahko mat, šimrasta in satenasta senčila. Če pogledamo na izbor barv, ki jih je britanska blogerka izbrala lahko najdemo bele, roza, vijolične, modre, zelene, rjave in zlate odtenke senčil. S paletko lahko ustvarimo nešteto različnih make up lookov. Seveda ne smem pozabiti na sam izgled paletke - z eno besedo: božansko! Paletka je narejena čisto po mojem okusu, ker sem obsedena z zlato barvo in tudi ime paletke mi je zelo všeč - Fortune Favours the Brave namreč pomeni: Sreča je na strani pogumnih. 
Cena paletke: 15,99 €




Vsako senčilo ima tudi svoje ime. Meni osebno so najljubši naslednji odtenki: Glimmer, Golden Coins, Pink Diamond, Drama Queen (kako primerno ime, haha!), Super Gold, Sunset Hour in Favour. Ice Cloud senčilo je pa zelo primerno za osvetljevanje. Uporabljam ga za osvetljevanje vek, kot tudi ličk. 

Senčila so zelo pigmentirana, z njimi je zelo lahko delati, se zelo hitro zabrišejo in na vekah ostanejo popolnoma ves dan. Trenutno sploh ne uporabljam nobene druge paletke, pa jih imam ogromno.
Paletka ima tudi rahel vonj, ki mojo sestro zelo moti, jaz pa ga sploh ne opazim. 
Paletka si zasluži čisto 10, dobite pa jo lahko tukaj! <3

Salvation Velvet Lacquer:
06 Keep Lying for You

Glede tega izdelka imam zelo mešane občutke. Nad samo barvo izdelka sem navdušena, saj takšnega odtenka šminke v svoji veliki kolekciji nimam, vendar me pri izdelku moti njegova obstojnost. Ko izdelek nanesem na ustnice se ta v sekundi spremeni v visoko pigmentiran mat finiš, vendar na ustnicah ne ostane tako dolgo kot ostale mat šminke. Že samo ob stikanju ustnic izdelek ob notranjosti ustnic izginja in po kakšni uri nošenja ne izgleda lepo. Absolutno ne pride v poštev, da bi izdelek nanesla na prejšnji sloj, saj v tem primeru vse skupaj izgleda zelo "patchy"
Izdelek ima meni osebno zelo lepo embalažo. Kombinacija črnega pokrovčka in zlate barve je zame win-win. Zelo mi je pa všeč tudi transparentna steklenička, da lahko vidim točno barvo svojega lacquerja. 
Izdelek ni testiran na živalih in nima nobenega posebnega vonja. <3
Dobite ga lahko za 4,99 € tukaj. :)

Ali bi izdelek še kupila?
Kljub dokaj slabi obstojnosti bi si želela še kakšen odtenek v svoji kolekciji, saj so barve res lepe in tudi zato, ker me zanima ali je podobna situacija z obstojnostjo pri ostalih barvah. Po mojem mnenju si izdelek zasluži 8/10. :)

Objavo bom zaključila z make up lookom, ki sem ga ustvarila z BBB Fortune Favours the Brave paletko in Salvation Velvet Lacquer-jem. 

** May the force be with you.**

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Things I need with me on the beach (collaboration post)

In the summertime when the weather is fine (Mungo Jerry - In the summertime) I like to spend my days on the beach. 
Because I do have a few must haves for the beach I decided to do a collaboration with website that offers you different suggestions for beautiful vacation and write a post about which are my must haves on the beach
On this website you can find best vacation spots and ideas for your vacation. You really should check out their website. You can also find an article about best beach vacations with stunning pictures: here. <3

Thank you so much Home Away for making me this personalized template. It's very cute. <3

As you can see my must haves on the beach are:

A big hat: I have bought mine this year at Primark. It's very important that you have something on your head if you're spending your whole day on the sun. 

Aviator sunnies: or any other sunnies. I'm a bit obsessed with sunglasses - I own around 15 different ones. I just can't look in the sun without them. 
My fave at the moment are: aviator sunglasses.

A beach kimono: I just like to put something on top of my swimsuits when I go to a bar on the beach or something like that. I just feel more comfortable. :)

A cute and big towel: My currently favorite is the one that has a bikini drawn on it (and it's orange). Because I'm a tall girl it's very hard to find enough big towel. #biggirlproblems

Fashion flip flops: I just need sparkly or cute flip flops. That's it. <3
I also got mine in Primark.
Similar: cute flip flops

Of course there are also a few beauty products that I also need with me on the beach.

Afrodita fast tanning jam: It's the best product for fast tanning, but it doesn't have any SPF. I'm one of those people that usually just don't use sun creams, but I'm totally aware this is very bad. Fortunately with this jam I turn from red to brown skin within just a few minutes. 
You can get yours here: Kozmetika Afrodita

After sun lotion, sun cream and hair spray from Avon:
These products are a must have on the beach. I really love my hair and I need them to stay protected from the sun. This Avon hair spray with SPF is a perfect solution and my hair also smell like I just got from a hairdresser. 
Sun cream with 30 SPF it's something that I use for my face, because this is a part of my body that I really need protected. 
After sun lotion with aloe vera is great, because after a long day of sunbathing it's important to moisturize your skin so you prevent it from shelling. 

(Here you can see all of the products from Sun + collection, but this article is in Slovene language:

I also have a bunch of magazines and good books with me. I really love to read on the beach. 

What about you, which products do you normally take with you on the beach? :)
