Friday, July 29, 2016

Make up Revolution: BBB Fortune Favours the Brave palette & Salvation Velvet Lacquer review

Pozdravček vsem! :*
Danes je na vrsti objava o ličilih, yaay. Na dolgo in široko bom strnila svoje mnenje o dveh izdelkih, ki jih lahko naročiš kar na dveh spletnih straneh: na spletni strani ali na originalni spletni strani Makeup Revolution Slovenija. Obe spletni strani sta na visokem nivoju, izdelka sem naročila do 15. ure popoldan in sta že naslednji dan bila pri meni doma. <3

BBB Fortune Favours the Brave paletka:
Že sam pogled na paletko mi je vzel dih. V paletki najdemo 30 različnih odtenkov senčil, ki imajo tudi različne finiše. Najdemo lahko mat, šimrasta in satenasta senčila. Če pogledamo na izbor barv, ki jih je britanska blogerka izbrala lahko najdemo bele, roza, vijolične, modre, zelene, rjave in zlate odtenke senčil. S paletko lahko ustvarimo nešteto različnih make up lookov. Seveda ne smem pozabiti na sam izgled paletke - z eno besedo: božansko! Paletka je narejena čisto po mojem okusu, ker sem obsedena z zlato barvo in tudi ime paletke mi je zelo všeč - Fortune Favours the Brave namreč pomeni: Sreča je na strani pogumnih. 
Cena paletke: 15,99 €




Vsako senčilo ima tudi svoje ime. Meni osebno so najljubši naslednji odtenki: Glimmer, Golden Coins, Pink Diamond, Drama Queen (kako primerno ime, haha!), Super Gold, Sunset Hour in Favour. Ice Cloud senčilo je pa zelo primerno za osvetljevanje. Uporabljam ga za osvetljevanje vek, kot tudi ličk. 

Senčila so zelo pigmentirana, z njimi je zelo lahko delati, se zelo hitro zabrišejo in na vekah ostanejo popolnoma ves dan. Trenutno sploh ne uporabljam nobene druge paletke, pa jih imam ogromno.
Paletka ima tudi rahel vonj, ki mojo sestro zelo moti, jaz pa ga sploh ne opazim. 
Paletka si zasluži čisto 10, dobite pa jo lahko tukaj! <3

Salvation Velvet Lacquer:
06 Keep Lying for You

Glede tega izdelka imam zelo mešane občutke. Nad samo barvo izdelka sem navdušena, saj takšnega odtenka šminke v svoji veliki kolekciji nimam, vendar me pri izdelku moti njegova obstojnost. Ko izdelek nanesem na ustnice se ta v sekundi spremeni v visoko pigmentiran mat finiš, vendar na ustnicah ne ostane tako dolgo kot ostale mat šminke. Že samo ob stikanju ustnic izdelek ob notranjosti ustnic izginja in po kakšni uri nošenja ne izgleda lepo. Absolutno ne pride v poštev, da bi izdelek nanesla na prejšnji sloj, saj v tem primeru vse skupaj izgleda zelo "patchy"
Izdelek ima meni osebno zelo lepo embalažo. Kombinacija črnega pokrovčka in zlate barve je zame win-win. Zelo mi je pa všeč tudi transparentna steklenička, da lahko vidim točno barvo svojega lacquerja. 
Izdelek ni testiran na živalih in nima nobenega posebnega vonja. <3
Dobite ga lahko za 4,99 € tukaj. :)

Ali bi izdelek še kupila?
Kljub dokaj slabi obstojnosti bi si želela še kakšen odtenek v svoji kolekciji, saj so barve res lepe in tudi zato, ker me zanima ali je podobna situacija z obstojnostjo pri ostalih barvah. Po mojem mnenju si izdelek zasluži 8/10. :)

Objavo bom zaključila z make up lookom, ki sem ga ustvarila z BBB Fortune Favours the Brave paletko in Salvation Velvet Lacquer-jem. 

** May the force be with you.**

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Things I need with me on the beach (collaboration post)

In the summertime when the weather is fine (Mungo Jerry - In the summertime) I like to spend my days on the beach. 
Because I do have a few must haves for the beach I decided to do a collaboration with website that offers you different suggestions for beautiful vacation and write a post about which are my must haves on the beach
On this website you can find best vacation spots and ideas for your vacation. You really should check out their website. You can also find an article about best beach vacations with stunning pictures: here. <3

Thank you so much Home Away for making me this personalized template. It's very cute. <3

As you can see my must haves on the beach are:

A big hat: I have bought mine this year at Primark. It's very important that you have something on your head if you're spending your whole day on the sun. 

Aviator sunnies: or any other sunnies. I'm a bit obsessed with sunglasses - I own around 15 different ones. I just can't look in the sun without them. 
My fave at the moment are: aviator sunglasses.

A beach kimono: I just like to put something on top of my swimsuits when I go to a bar on the beach or something like that. I just feel more comfortable. :)

A cute and big towel: My currently favorite is the one that has a bikini drawn on it (and it's orange). Because I'm a tall girl it's very hard to find enough big towel. #biggirlproblems

Fashion flip flops: I just need sparkly or cute flip flops. That's it. <3
I also got mine in Primark.
Similar: cute flip flops

Of course there are also a few beauty products that I also need with me on the beach.

Afrodita fast tanning jam: It's the best product for fast tanning, but it doesn't have any SPF. I'm one of those people that usually just don't use sun creams, but I'm totally aware this is very bad. Fortunately with this jam I turn from red to brown skin within just a few minutes. 
You can get yours here: Kozmetika Afrodita

After sun lotion, sun cream and hair spray from Avon:
These products are a must have on the beach. I really love my hair and I need them to stay protected from the sun. This Avon hair spray with SPF is a perfect solution and my hair also smell like I just got from a hairdresser. 
Sun cream with 30 SPF it's something that I use for my face, because this is a part of my body that I really need protected. 
After sun lotion with aloe vera is great, because after a long day of sunbathing it's important to moisturize your skin so you prevent it from shelling. 

(Here you can see all of the products from Sun + collection, but this article is in Slovene language:

I also have a bunch of magazines and good books with me. I really love to read on the beach. 

What about you, which products do you normally take with you on the beach? :)


Friday, July 8, 2016

Outfit post: Big city life

Hello guys! :)
Today I'm so happy, because I had a presentation for my degree and it went really well - I got a 10. Now I just need to finish one more exam and I'm done with university. Yaay! <3

Today I felt like a mermaid because of the skirt I was wearing. It's so shiny and really comfortable. Not to mention that it's totally my style. It's from C&A, and it's one of a few things that I bought there. Usually I just can't find anything for my taste there. <3

I didn't have an amazing week, because I got some allergies and I was stuck in my bed most of the time. Also my old phone died, so now I have a better one (but that's a bit of a yaay!). I just had to give myself a little pep talk yesterday: you're the queen, you're doing great, you can do anything, love u.<3
If you're feeling down remind yourself that you're all these words! :)

tee from H&M
skirt from C&A
shoes from Primark
bag from Pimkie
sunnies from Primark
earrings from eBay

Now I'm off to celebrate my "degree" with loads of wine
Hope your weekend will be amazing.
Loads of love,