Saturday, February 27, 2016

Vampy lipsticks (some new ones)

Hello! :)
In this today I will again talk about lippies. Vampy lips are in trend for quite some time now and I have to admit that I really like vampy shades. I'm wearing them even during the day. Dark red lips are almost my statement make up (in combination with winged eyeliner). :)

Essence (All that greys LE) - 01 Roaring red
Usually I'm not buying lip glosses, because I hate sticky lips, but with this one I made an exception. It has great texture and it applies easily. While I'm wearing it I don't feel like my lips are sticky and it's not too shiny. I don't find these usual lip glosses very long lasting, so I think that lasting with this one is the same as it is with other lip glosses. After you eat or drink it doesn't leave you a weird stain. I really don't regret buying it. :) 
(Swatch of it you can see on the picture on the bottom of this post. :) )

Avon - Wine Berry
I got this lipstick as a Christmas present from my friend and she couldn't choose better. I really love Avon products, especially lipsticks. Wine Berry is not totally vampy shade, but it's a mixture of red and brown. It's a very long lasting lipstick and it applies easily because of the soft structure.
It doesn't have matte finish, but it's also not shiny lipstick. (:

Essence (Merry Berry LE) - 01 let's the berry-tales begin
This lipstick I have bought in December. It was really hard to get this shade because it's so unique. It's not a typical dark red lipstick. It's a mixed shade of plum and dark red and it's really gorgeous.
I really loved the whole Merry Berry collection. Lasting of this lipstick is really good and it doesn't leave that awkward stain after you ate something. If you didn't buy this lipstick from this collection I'm very sorry for you, hihi. 

Catrice (Rough Luxury LE) - 02 Rustic Red
About this lipstick I already wrote a post few weeks ago and what I think about it you can read: here
It'a a dark red lipstick with no undertone, with special scent and it's not a very long lasting one because of the texture. :)

On this picture you can see all the swatches

Most of the lipsticks are from limited editions 
and that's why I didn't write their prices. Maybe you still can find any of them with leftover collections at DM, Muller or Beauty World.
Avon lipsticks you can order at Avon company. :)

What about you, do you like vampy lips? Do you have any of these lipsticks in your lipstick collection? :)

Vampy kisses,

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Review: Avon Perfectly Matte Lipsticks (shades: Adoring Love and Berry Blast) + make up look

V svojo zbirko šmink sem dodala še dve (ups!). Za to je kriva predvsem meni že poznana super obstojnost in čudoviti odtenki šmink, ki jih ponuja Avon. Takoj ko sem videla, da je Avon razširil svojo zbirko šmink in dodal še Perfectly Matte šminke, ki imajo mat formulo sem takoj naročila dve, nekaj pa jih še imam na listi želja. :)

In my lipsticks collection I have added two more. I love Avon lipsticks, because they have great lasting and they offer us a big variety of shades. As soon as I saw that Avon also sells  lipsticks with matte finish (which is my favorite finish) - Perfectly Matte Lipsticks  I ordered two, and of course I have a few shades on my wish list. :)

Šminke so pakirane v čudoviti črno-srebrni embalaži. Embalaža ima poseben žameten občutek, na vrhu embalaže pa je prozorna plastika in lahko vidimo odtenek šminke, na spodnjem delu embalaže pa je zapisano ime odtenka.
 Embalaža vsebuje 3,6 g izdelka. 

Lipsticks are packed in a gorgeous black-silver matte packing. It also has a special velvet feeling. On the top of the packing there is transparent place and you can see the color of your lipstick and on the bottom you can see the name of the shade. Packing contains 3,6 g of product.

V Sloveniji so trenutno Avon Perfectly Matte šminke 4,50 €. Redna cena šminke je drugače 8,50 €. :)

In Slovenia you can currently get Perfectly Matte Lipsticks for 4,50 €. Regular price of lipsticks it is 8,50 €. :)

Iz celotne linije 15 šmink sem izbrala dva odtenka, ki jih v svoji zbirki še definitivno nimam. To sta Adoring Love in Berry Blast.

Adoring Love je poseben odtenek in sicer spominja na umazano roza barvo, Berry Blast je pa čisto poseben odtenek in ga še nisem videla nikjer drugje - spominja na barvo slive, vendar je odtenek temnejši. :)
Oba odtenka imata poseben sladek vonj.

The whole collection contains 15 shades of lipsticks. I chose two: Adoring Love and Berry Blast. 
Adoring Love is very special dirty pink shade and Berry Blast is really special shade of a very dark plum.
Both shades also smell really good - very sweet

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Obstojnost in intenzivnost barve:
Avonove šminke me do sedaj v obstojnosti in intenzivnosti barve niso nikoli razočarale. Tako me tudi šminki iz te kolekciji nista. Šminki sta zelo obstojni, tudi če pijem in jem ne zapustita mojih ustnic zlahka. Šminki sta tudi zelo pigmentirani in je za nanos izdelka potreben samo nanos ali dva. Več nanosov na mojih ustnicah izgleda grdo, saj se zdi kot, da se mi naredijo grudice. Drugače sta šminki lepo nosljivi. Kot pri večini mat šmink se tudi pri tema dvema po odstranitvi šminke na ustnicah opazi še malo barve. Nad formulo šmink sem res zelo navdušena, saj kljub temu, da imata šminki mat finiš ustnic ne izsušita čisto nič. Po nanosu šminke na ustnice ne občutim tistega občutka, da na ustnicah nimam nič, ampak so moje ustnice mehke in lahkotne. :)

Lasting and pigmentation:
This collection has a really great lasting and pigmentation. Even if I drink or eat lipstick stays on my lips. Lipsticks are also great pigmented. You only need a swipe or two of the product on your lips. If I apply more layers of the product it looks messy and not great at all. These lipsticks don't dry my lips out not even for a bit, but they leave some patches of lipstick even when I remove it from my lips. While wearing it my lips feel very lightweight and different in comparison with other matte lipsticks. :)

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Perfectly Matte Šminke lahko naročite pri osebah, ki prodajajo kozmetiko Avon preko kataloga ali preko Avonove spletne strani. :)

Perfectly Matte Lipsticks you can order from people that sell Avon via catalog or on offical Avon web site.

Moje končno mnenje: Super barve, super obstojnost, odlična intenzivnost barv in prijeten vonj. Priporočam, da povečaš svojo zbirko šmink z vsaj eno Perfectly Matte šminko! :)

My final opinion: Great colors, great lasting, great pigmentation and pleasant smell... I recommend that you expand your lipstick collection with at least one Perfectly Matte Lipstick. 

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Za konec te objave pa še lahko vidite make up look, ki sem ga nosila v kombinaciji z odtenkom šminke Adoring Love. Menim, da bi make up bil primeren tudi za večerne ure, če bi šminko zamenjala z odtenkom Berry Blast. :)

For the end of this post you can also see a make up look that I wore in combination with shade Adoring Love. I think that if I would change lipstick with Berry Blast shade this make up look would be also suitable for night hours. :)

Okrog vratu nosim čudovito unikatno ogrlico, ki jo je ustvarila Drobcene stvari Katie. Preverite njeno  ponudbo čudovitih unikatnih izdelkov na facebook strani ali instagram profilu: Drobcenestvarikatie. :)

Slediš pa lahko tudi mojemu instagram profiluFashionandpinkheart <3.

Around my neck I'm wearing gorgeous handmade necklace from Drobcene stvari Katie. Check out her gorgeous handmade products on facebook page or on Instagram profile: Drobcene stvari Katie.

Oh, also you can follow me on my Instagram profile: Fashionandpinkheart <3.

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Tukaj pa še so izdelki s katerimi sem ustvarila svoj make up look. 
Zanima me, če bi želeli vedeti kaj več o katerem izmed prikazanih izdelkov? :)

Here you can see all of the products that I created my make up look with.
Do you want to know anything more about any of the products below? :)

1. Essence Make your face glow paletka za lička / Essence Make your face glow palette for cheeks
2. Catrice Chocolate Nudes paleta senčil / Catrice Chocolate Nudes palette
3. Deborah Milano 24 Ore maskara / Deborah Milano 24 Ore mascara
4. Catrice Iluminating osvetljevalec / Catrice Iluminating highlighter
5. Revolution make up črtalo za oči / Make up Revolution eyeliner
6. Dermacol tekoči puder (priporočam! :)) / Dermacol powder
7. Catrice Prime and fine anti-shine primer 
8. Rimmel Stay Matte puder v prahu / Rimmel Stay Matte powder
9. Essence Top Coat za maskaro / Essence Top Coat for mascara

Poljubčki / Kisses,

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Contouring (my opinion!)

Hello! :)
Today I wanted to talk about something that's very popular right now - contouring. This post is purely my opinion and if you have a different one it's okay. 
As you know, I love make up. I love putting make up on my face, but contouring is one of the things I don't understand. I don't know why someone wants to be a complete new person? Isn't make up about enhancing your own beauty? With contouring you can make your nose look smaller or narrower, your face can be oval and not round anymore, your forehead can be smaller... As I said, you can make yourself another person. And why do that? You were born like you were and don't try to change yourself completely. For me contouring is almost like a plastic surgery, except when you wash your make up off you still are you. And you need to love the real you. 
Maybe I don't find contouring your face as disturbing as I find contouring your boobies. Why do that? You can find yourself just a nice bra... :(

On this picture you can see the real power of contouring... If I saw this man on the street I would have thought:"Oh this lady really exaggerated with contouring."

Not to mention how your face looks like if you don't do your contour the right way. If you don't blend all the lines right it looks ridiculous, not to mention the white spots under your eyes. 
I hope girls will stop doing this very fast. But as I said before, this is just my opinion and I respect if you have a different one. :)

P.S.: Pictures are not in my ownership. All of them were taken from Google pictures.


Pozdravček! :)
Danes sem se odločila, da spregovorim o trenutno dokaj priljubljeni temi in načinu ličenja - contouringu obraza. Vse kar bom zapisala v tej objavi je izključno samo moje mnenje in, če je vaše drugačno to spoštujem. :)

Kot veste obožujem ličila. Nanašanje senčil na moje veke in drugih produktov zame deluje sproščujoče, vendar je vseeno contouring ena izmed stvari, ki jih ne razumem. Ne razumem zakaj nekdo želi izgledati kot druga oseba? Moje mnenje je, da je make up tista stvar, ki samo poudari našo lepoto. Ali ni tako? 
S contouringom si lahko naš obraz popolnoma spremenimo - naš nos je lahko manjši ali manj širok, naš obraz je namesto okroglega lahko ovalen, čelo je lahko manjše... Kot sem že rekla, postanemo lahko druga oseba. Rodili smo se kakršni smo se - z okroglim obrazom namesto ovalnim, z malo širšim nosom ali z višjim čelom, ampak vsak je po svoje lep. Zakaj torej želimo postati nekdo drug? 
Zame osebno je contouring skoraj enako kot plastična operacija. Razlika med tema dvema je edino v tem, da ko ves tisti make up spraviš iz obraza si še vedno ti tisti z visokim čelom ali širokim nosom. In res bi se morali imeti radi takšni kot smo. (:
Da ne omenjam kako naš obraz lahko izgleda, če se contouringa poslužujemo in ga ne znamo pravilno izvajati. Če se linije ne zabrišejo pravilno se lahko na našem obrazu vidijo črte, pod našimi očmi pa imamo bel predel kot, da smo indijanci. 
Mogoče se mi še contouring obraza ne zdi tako drastičen kot contouring dekolteja... mislim, zakaj oblikovati svoj dekolte z barvami? Kupimo si lahko samo luškan nederček in je to to... (:

Upam, da bodo punce kmalu prenehale ta trend. Kot pa sem povedala že na začetku je to samo moje mnenje in se pravega contouringa obraza ne mislim posluževati, spoštujem in cenim pa tudi ostala mnenja. :)

Zgoraj so prikazane tudi slike kakšno moč ima contouring. Če bi moškega, ki je na zgornjih slikah videla v mestu bi si mislila: "Joj, ta ženska pa je res pretiravala s contouringom."
Vidite pa lahko tudi kako izgleda vaš obraz, če contouringa ne izvajate pravilno. :)
P.S.: Slike niso moja last, ampak so bile najdene na Google slike in si zanje ne poslužujem ničesar. 

Have a nice evening, / Lep večer še naprej,