Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Outfit post: Pink is the new black + quick review of Essence Summer fun lipstick

Pridejo časi za žalost in pridejo časi za smeh. Življenje nas vsakodnevno postavlja pred veliko takšnih in drugačnih izzivov. Izzivov, ki jih enostavno moremo preživeti in prestati. V zadnjem času sem se naučila, da tudi če je življenje težko in se zdi, da gre vse narobe to ne pomeni konca. To ne pomeni, da imamo slabo življenje, samo slab dan ali teden. Iz vsake situacije se nekaj naučimo in osebnostno zrastemo. Ko pa je fajn pa je pač fajn. (:

There are times for sadness and there are times for happiness. Life gives us a lot of different challenges daily and we just need to survive and face them all. I learned that when my life gets harder and I can't see light at the end of a tunnel it doesn't mean the end. It doesn't mean that my life is bad, it just means that I have a bad day or a week. From every situation we learn something and grow. Oh well, but when there are times of pure joy all I can say is: life is good! (:

Čista sreča. Ko sem v trgovini zagledala to roza jeans jakno sem se vanjo zaljubila na prvi pogled. Potem, ko sem preverila še ceno sem bila pa že noro zatreskana. In tako v moji omari visi še ena nova jakna. Ups! 
Jeans jakne so v tem trenutku zelo "in", vendar so mi navadne preveč basic. Ta pa je popolna, saj poživi čisto vsak outfit.

Pure happiness. When I saw this pink jeans jacket in the store I feel in love with it within seconds. When I checked its price tag I was madly in love. And that's the story how my closet is thicker for one jacket.
Jeans jackets are "it piece" currently, but I always thought that they are too basic for me. This one is really perfect for me - girly, pink and gives my outfit a pop of color.

Na mojih ustnicah: Essence Summer fun TE: 02 girls just wanna have sun

Essence ima nekaj resnično zelo dobrih izdelkov, vendar sama šmink ponavadi ne uvrščam v to kategorijo. Tokratna šminka iz trend kolekcije Summer fun v odtenku 02 me je pa zelo prijetno presenetla. Šminka je čudovite roza barve, je izredno mazljiva, enostavna za nanos zaradi oblike svinčnika in ima mehko teksturo. Šminka ima po nanosu žameten občutek, ki se po par minurah nošenja spremeni v mat finiš. Šminka je izredno dolgo obstojna, saj tudi ob zaužitju hrane in pijače ostane na ustnicah. Ustnic nikakor ne izsuši. Resnično popolna mat šminka za ceno 2,49 €. Good job Essence! :) <3
Kako šminka izgleda (+ kako izgledajo ostali izdelki omenjene kolekcije) pa si lahko ogledaš na naslednji povezavi: Summer Fun.

On my lips: Essence Summer Fun TE: 02 girls just wanna have sun
Essence offers us a few really good and cheap products, but usually I wouldn't say that I love their lipsticks. I said usually, because lipstick pen from TE Summer fun really surprised me. It's a very vibrant pink lipstick that is very easy to apply on your lips because it looks like a pen and it has a very creamy texture. It has a matte finish that it's not drying at all. It's also a very long lasting lipstick, because it stays on your lips even if you're eating or drinking. It really is a perfect matte lipstick for only 2,49 €. Good job Essence! :) <3

Poljubčki/ kisses,


  1. So pretty!! Loving the pink jacket!



Thanks for stopping by beauty! With your comment you made me very happy! <3

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