Monday, December 1, 2014

Review:Essence long lasting lipsticks

This post I've been meaning to write for quite some time now, but I did give a privilege to some other posts, so I'm writing it now.
I'm a lipstick addict. I admit it yes. I wasn't much of a lipstick fan 2 years ago, but then I fell in love with one from Chanel and then my obsession has started. I have around 30 lipsticks and I don't think that I have enough shades of them and I know that I won't stop buying them.This post will be about Essence long lasting lipsticks. I have a few of them, because they are really affordable (they cost 2,39 €) and you can choose between a lot of different shades. 

I have 5 Essence long lasting lipsticks. Four of them are in different pink shades (one is almost violet) and one is red. A while ago I wasn't a fan of red lipsticks, but now I love them. 

Essence long lasting lipsticks are not really long lasting.They stay on my lips up to 3 hours if I don't eat or drink anything. Some of them (12- Blush my lips and 10- Cotton Candy) leave a stain on my lips when I eat or drink, others just disappear. But this doesn't bother me, because I put lipstick on my lips every 15 minutes anyway, hehe. After a few hours of wearing Essence long lasting lipstick I have to wipe my lips completely and put on a fresh layer, because you can see previous layers of lipstick on lips and it bothers me. 

12- Blush My Lips
It's a red lipstick. I think it comes from pink color scale, because it's not bright or even dark red. I really like it.

10- Cotton Candy
It's a light pink lipstick. It's my first one Eseence and still I use it the most. :)

13- Love Me
This one is my recent buy and it's something in between nude color and very light pink. It's very suitable to combine it with darker make up.

08- Color Crush 
This color is very bright pink and it makes your lips pop. I like to wear it more in summer.

09- Wear Berries!

The texture of these lipsticks is very smooth and the application is very easy. They are in black plastic packaging and on the edge there is surrounding of a color that lipstick contains. They are not very moisturizing, but they don't dry my lips.

Mostly I buy these lipsticks because I like the variety of shades. My favorite from this collection is 09- Wear Berries! This shade is something in between violet and pink. 

My rating of these lipsticks: 8/10

P.S.: This week I'm planning a few new posts. I was on a shopping trip in Vienna this weekend.
You can see some pictures from Vienna on my Instagram profile: Fashionandpinkheart --> feel free to follow! :)

Oh, I almost forgot. DECEMBER is here. Make it magical.



  1. Jaz sem ista, kolekcija šmink je največja v moji zbirki ličil, pa še vedno mi manjkajo odtenki,
    super post, sem se spraševala o teh šminkah, ampak delujejo v redu, tudi če niso
    pretirano dolgo obstojne :)


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